Kaya Rain

Kaya Rain
Our beautiful daughter.

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

New Year

    Well 2014 is officially here. I know many have wished 2013 out the door with the idea that 2014 will be "the" year. But..to be honest every moment...good or bad..makes your year, your life, your memories. Granted different folks face different things but I personally err on the side that life happens for a reason. You can sit and wish it away, sit and worry, sit and complain..or stand up, face it , count your blessings, see the light and keep going!
  I don't do New Year resolutions. Never have. There is nothing wrong with them but I always feel like so many people make them to turn and break them in a few weeks. Then they feel stressed and like a failure or they never start them and feel bad. I'd rather just chalk it up to a new year of making goals, making memories, enjoying life. 
  I've decided this year that I am holding true to the saying "Sometimes you have to stop sailing oceans for people that won't jump puddles for you". It's been in my mind for a bit and at the end of 2013 it stuck to me alot. That and the fact that I've heard the same 2 songs on the radio every day this week...and to me that is a sign that what I think is right lol May sound silly but I'm going with it :)
   I've found if you try to be a good parent many overlook your family. They feel they don't need to say encouragement, check on you or offer anything because you are "such good parents". In a way yes that is nice but sometimes it gets old very fast that sucky parents, immature adults having kids..are constantly ran after and praised for every miniscule thing they manage to do. 
  I've found that I don't force my religious beliefs down anyone's throats and I don't judge others religious beliefs and in turn that turns some people away. I can listen to what anyone has to say and I don't have to demean how they feel to make myself feel "right"
  I've found that since we don't put on "airs" that some have a hard time with us. I won't talk behind someone's back and then smile to their face. I won't cast a judgement on someone when I don't live their life or I have did the same thing myself. I don't act one way with one group, another with another. I am just me, my family is just themselves. We are quirky, funny and sometimes off the wall....but we are honest, we are real and we are all heart. 
   I've found that standing up for my family has caused issues. At first it bothered me...now I realize it's the OTHER people's issues. I won't ever sit back and let anyone tread on someone I love. And I will not sit back and think someone else is going to control my home, my marriage or my life. What is between these four walls is our business and we don't do others drama.
   I've also found that MS is the ultimate litmus test. It isn't just a chronic disease..it's a test of who will stand beside you when times are hard. When I've needed someone this last year..I was amazed at the ones that stepped away from us. Maybe it's their ignorance of the disease, maybe it's how they handle it..I don't know. I just know that I have a very clear picture of who we have in our lives.
  My little family in the last year has been left out, ignored and at times treated as if we are the issue or that we should handle other's issues...and that is not how we treat others.
  For a long time it made my heart sad and finally was starting to make me bitter....then I realized that I don't have to approve, I don't have to smile and go along with things...but I have to forgive and move on or it affects me, not them. 
  So for now on we are not doing all the contacting, we are not doing all the filling in, the leg work. Between texts, phones, email and the ability to visit...some others are going to have to learn to ask how we are, to involve us or they can figure out why we are not there. I'm no longer going to be upset over months of being ignored, of Kaya not being included or treated the same as others, or hurt because I only have a limited group of people that I CAN rely on...I'm simply going to enjoy my little family, our time together and keep on being me!! I can't change someone else's way of thinking, I can't make them apologize for something they do not see as wrong but I can change how I react and how I let it affect us.
  2014 will be another year of triumphs, defeats, love, memories, laughter, worry, hard times and lean times.....but that is life. And I fully intend to enjoy every second of it!! :)

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