Kaya Rain

Kaya Rain
Our beautiful daughter.

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Surprises Surprises

  Well..Saturday morning Kaya and I ran some errands…hauling trash,running to the bank etc…and when we got back..there was a VERY large box on the front porch….and within minutes…a FedEx guy appeared with another box. Jonus had told me to keep an eye out for deliveries on Saturday. He said that the big box would be Steve's and the lil box would contain a few items…that was to be open immediately ….and that I would understand when I saw it.

  Well….Kaya and I tried hard to be patient..but finally made Steve get out of bed and come look …

DSC_0772 The suspense was killing us.

  Steve opened the big box first…and was VERY happy. Jonus had sent him a luxury leather computer chair that has the colts emblem on it…and inside the small box..the first gift was a Colts snuggie for Steve to wear. Steve got a big laugh out of that because him and Jonus always tease me that the house is freezing…

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When I saw Steve’s face at the next gift..I knew it was something extra special. Jonus had sent us a very nice video camera…with instructions that we were to use it to record the holidays, Addies first day in the world and Kaya ….all so we could share it with him…


  Needless to say I welled up in tears immediately….we now had a way for Jonus to hear Kaya and see her grow besides pictures. Steve hugged me and said it was ok..it was a great gift and it would definitely get used. I think it hit me harder too..cuase this year my brother will not be home for Christmas Eve or Christmas Day..and its hard. Now I could share US with HIM and he could hear us…lol

  We checked it out,charged it…and did our first video…Kaya singing Jingle Bells her style.

  I cannot thank Jonus enough that here he is all the way over there,and he thought of us in such an amazing way. I'm VERY lucky to have him as a brother..and Kaya is blessed with such a wonderful Uncle…

  My wish this year…is more people think about their loved ones…that maybe they need to hug them more, love them a little more..because not everyone will have the luxury of having someone dear to them home for the holidays. I would LOVE to hug my lil brother on Cmas day..any day..but..I have to wait.

  I ask too that everyone remember all the men and women…military and civilian …overseas and stateside that cannot be home with their loved ones for the holidays. As we sit down to a fine meal with family..they will be eating chow hall food or enjoying Cmas out of a care package that someone loved them enough to send…as we open gifts and enjoy our family time…..they will be suiting up for a mission, dealing with bombings and…thinking how they’d love to be at home right now….


   Our Thanksgiving went pretty well. Kaya had a blast helping make all the food..she said her favorite to make was the “punkin pies” and “sweet tatoes”…and she did great helping. She even pitched in and helped with dishes…hope that work ethic sticks with her when she’s a teen and its her chore!


Steve always deep fries our turkey…and I wouldn't go back to baking one for anything. The night before he marinates it with Creole butter injections…then the next day mixes butter and Cajun powder together and rubs it into the skin…then into the deep fryer it goes…less than two hours later…a wonderful turkey


  This year is was me,Steve,Mom,Kaya and my mother in law Teresa. We all had a blast…and ate too much. Then we through a movie in the DVD player and just vegged out for awhile. It was nice to relax…especially since I had to work on Black Friday which meant being up for work at 3am..ugh..

   This Thanksgiving I was thankful for family…and most thankful for a beautiful little girl that we love with all our hearts.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Been a busy two weeks…

  After a big surprise from Uncle Jonus…he showed up unexpectantly the first week of my vacation…we have really had a blast.

In the last two weeks we’ve celebrated Halloween….


We’ve had Thanksgiving and Birthdays…We’ve celebrated Christmas (Minus the tree to keep from Kaya being completely confused…lol)


And we’ve spent ALOT of family time just being together and loving each other…

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  You don't often think of how many simple blessings you have…till you hear someone mention things you never thought of. I know personally after the last two weeks…I value things I do have even more. A soft warm comfortable bed, warm home cooked food, tea(oh yeah tea…lol),being able to hug the people I love ANYTIME I want, and being together as a family.

Our daughter is indeed blessed to have an Uncle that thinks of her as his child. Who loves to spend time with her and yes, he may spoil her..but..he gives her the most important things in life:attention and love.

  Today’s blog may seem a bit random..lol..but..there is alot of emotions today…We are feriously proud of my lil brother..but..letting your brother/child go off to a redzone (war zone) isn't easy. Half your heart is bursting with pride..the other half..is deployed. You know the waiting game begins again..this time for seven to nine months. And..its even harder with a little girl that realizes that her Uncle is gone.

  But…thanks to modern inventions…we can keep in contact by cell phone till he hits Kuwait then he goes on blackout…then..we will have email and facebook….

Its been an insane busy two weeks..but..lots of fun and we’d do it all again to have him home a few more days :)