Kaya Rain

Kaya Rain
Our beautiful daughter.

Wednesday, October 23, 2013


  Yesterday morning I read a beautiful blog post about simplicity. I think with everything we've had going on, how we live a much more simple life than some we know,...the blog just hit the spot. The excerpt that got me was this :
    That's what the simple life is.  It's a life not cluttered up with filler but filled  with what counts. It's having time and space to live.  It's not about wide open as in the country but wide open in your spirit. It's about having room to let life happen because it's going to happen.

The simple life isn't the mystery we make of it.  It's available to all of us in some form or the other.
We just have to stop dreaming about it, talking about and wishing for it and live it.

Simplicity isn't a matter of location or time in history and it doesn't mean easy. Most things worth having aren't easy.

Simplicity, it starts and ends in the heart."

  It hit the nail on the head beautifully. It's exactly how we live our life, try to live our life, and how we want Kaya to live her life. And for some odd reason it brought home the conversation Steve and I have had this week...and it caused a serious turning point in my heart.
  We want Kaya to know life shouldn't be filled with filler....material items, constant hectic going ons, and instead should be filled with what counts....family, love, nature, life. We want her to have that wide open spirit and soul regardless of where she lives. We want her to know she can survive without the latest gadget or if a restaurant is closed. We want her to know where her food comes from,that as a family we pull together to get things done and we pull together tighter when times are hard.
  I love too that the blog said it was not a location that caused simplicity but a way of thought. Whether in the country, on the subway, living in a huge city or on your own little garden plot..you can live a simple life. That there is no magical formula or self help book to make it happen. You just have to DO IT!
  But I think the thing that struck me the most was the simple line "It's about having room to let life happen because it's going to happen" that hit me right over the head. I think some people, mainly family, have a hard time with the fact that we live a majority of our life this way. We know it's going to rain but it doesn't ruin the day. That today may suck royally but it's ONE BAD DAY, not a bad life. You have to leave that room in your life for life to happen, adjust your thinking and keep going.
  It also brought home the message Steve told me this week when he said I have to apply that thinking to all areas of my life. I've laid my heart out this last few weeks and to be honest the message I've gotten back...total silence...speaks volumes. It's been made clear to us that we are not the focal point of anything in the family. At first it hurt, it stung and I thought "what a bunch of lying hypocrites talking family and love then basically writing us off as they are "too busy with others" to include us". then it hit. LEAVE ROOM IN YOUR LIFE FOR LIFE TO HAPPEN. Put my heart back in my chest where it belonged, not on my cuff-sleeve, and adjusted my thinking. 
  Adjusted my thinking to remember that the ones under this roof love unconditionally and simply from the heart. That in less than 2 weeks I'll be with my side of the family for a huge hog roast doing what a family should do..being together and enjoying life. That we stay busy with our life and that we are happy. 
  Living simply isn't easy all the time. You have to stop and think..nope not going to be doing it that way or thinking that way...but it sure is nicer :)

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