Kaya Rain

Kaya Rain
Our beautiful daughter.

Friday, December 28, 2012


  No way to wax poetic..sickness SUCKS.  A trip to the dr confirmed Kaya has influenza a. The symptoms had also pushed her towards croup. So a round of steroids (always nice on the emotions...hers and ours!!), lots of rest and hydration and within two weeks she should be back to normal.
  She slept much better last night but the double breathing treatment in the drs office has began to break up her chest congestion so more of that horrible coughing. But..better for her to cough then to keep it in her lungs and run the risk of pneumonia. 

   The dr checked her record and asked if we had given her a flu shot outside the office. Which we had not. It is very hard in this area on kid's flu shots. The drs office gives out shots to Medicaid children first...which I am not saying that they should not get it but it's not really fair to be pushed back simply because we have insurance...and more than once regular insurance kids have had to wait till the next dose arrives (most drs offices in this area it seems Medicaid kids get first dibs). Then we always run into the offices only carrying the mixed swine flu shot which we do not allow Kaya to have. I've had friends at work think I was bonkers but the shot has not had a lot of research done on it and has been pushed through by the govt over a scare a few years back. And one main ingredient is said to accelerate cancer growth (cancer is prominent on both sides of the family). When I dug deeper I found that the health board, with the first out break of swine flu in this area this fall, announced that there was NO proof that the swine flu shot that had been given to area children had any protection or any asset for the child to have it! And they did not release what was in the latest vaccine. Lack of info on something serious makes me question why they gave it out to every kid in the neighborhood only to announce it offered no protection. It may not offer protection but what did it to their bodies? So we had a hard time this year getting a regular flu shot. My work offered free straight flu shots but Kaya was just under the age limit that they will do them. So next year we may skip the dr on the shot and go straight through our work company. We are lucky we do not deal with daycare but the possibility of preschool etc next year ups her chance of illness.
  But back to point...the whole house is dealing with the flu bug. Except for my brother who the military has pumped so full of shots he may possibly glow! I wish that was a joke. No fun trying to degerm a house when you feel horrible.
  Thankful today that I have a little more energy and that Steve feels better. Flu germs throw off his shot schedule too which is never good. Main goal is to get Kaya back to her perky happy self. Lysol is our friend :)

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