Kaya Rain

Kaya Rain
Our beautiful daughter.

Thursday, May 1, 2014

A new week almost done and welcoming a new month :)

Came home to a curly headed little girl all excited to show me the surprise she had made me :) A lovely bird made from paper, stickers and a paper towel roll. And of course it had

Lovely heart shaped eyes because she "loves me so much" VERY nice surprise to come home to
This has been a much better week. Steroids have eased up Steve's feet and helped his speech but he has not had the energy he expected. We are chalking it up to the fact he is currently having active lesions. Maybe the last time he was in the end stage and had inactive lesions...so maybe his body using the extra steroid energy to push back the relapse. We don't know. Right now it's more mental frustration for Steve as he is just tired of being tired, tired of not feeling like himself etc. But we just have to stay positive. He goes back May 23rd for his follow up. As for now he's suppose to continue his weekly shot and we will sort through everything once we are at the dr.

Another good positive this week is our Auntie came through her mastectomy surgery well. She's been on our minds since her first diagnosis and we continue to not only keep her and her family in our thoughts but to keep sending positive thoughts that she'll be back to meanness in no time ;) and feeling great!!
We got our peppers and first bunch of tomatoes in the ground. Very happy to see them standing up pretty this morning. Weather has dropped cooler but not to freezing so we should be ok. Steve keeps saying when we "have spring number 4" LOL Crazy weather but thankful we did not get the tornadoes others have seen so far this spring!!
Kaya is still growing by leaps and bounds and we bought her a new bag of clothes this week. She actually loved it all and now just has to try it on and see how it fits. The child is outgrowing everything. I intend to hit some yardsales this summer for play clothes and maybe some good clothes. I also want to start back to school shopping just to get a head start.
 Medical bills are beginning to trickle in. Not so great lol but thankful for insurance. Just so tired of doing the cha cha. As soon as we get one close to done, MS rears up and we have to start again. But...in hindsight we've paid off a lot of medial bills since the original start of MS so we should be thankful for that.
Hoping to till up the garden this week at Dad's and get it going. Eager to get corn and goodies going down there. Have decided that most likely my pantry project may get pushed back till down in the fall or later. I just can't reason doing it right this second with everything else going on. It is what it is and I'm not going to croak if it's not done right this second lol
I think to close this blog post I'll say always be thankful for what you have. Steve lost a friend today that leaves behind a wife and four children, the youngest being only 4 mo old. They had been friends in school and growing up and stayed in contact via online for the last couple of years. His death was not expected, he hadn't been ill etc. Our thoughts go out to his wife and children and the long road ahead of them.  It also serves as a reminder that time isn't forever. That today isn't promised and tomorrow may not come so you should enjoy every minute you have, never go without telling those you love that you love them. Hug your children tight, love your spouse and try to make every minute, every day count. Enjoy the fun happy moments, cherish the love and try to see the light in the dark moments. Never say you wish for one minute you're spouse would just stop talking/being/doing....it may happen one day and that is the loudest silence a person will ever endure.

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