Kaya Rain

Kaya Rain
Our beautiful daughter.

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Grandpa would be 92 today

   As much as I'm in awe of the fact Grandpa would be 92 today...it's hard to say "would have been". I could say he was the finest man walking this earth but I was blessed with two grandpas of that nature. I could say he was the best grandparent a kiddo could have...but I was blessed with two sets of them.
  Today I have been missing my grandparents a lot. Maybe it's school starting and seeing my own kiddo taking those first steps, maybe it's me being emotional...whatever it is I just miss them a lot today. I'm one of those people that hold onto memories and photos more than I hold onto objects..and today when I felt the tears building up..I thought what a blessed woman I am.
  Some kids come into this world rich, some dirt poor. Me...I came into this world smack dab in the middle...poor enough to know what hand me downs, hauling water, and hash was...but rich enough to always have a roof over my head and some just plain awesome people in my life.
  I could fill a book with memories of growing up. Canning jars turned into lightening bug keepers as my Granny and Grandpa sat on the porch enjoying the evening. Hay fields that became secret mazes as long as you wasn't caught in them ;) Sunday dinners with family, the newspaper and laughs. Sweet tea on the porch after running our legs off after cattle.Dirt pies, corn bin surfing, many a trip taken on our "huge boat" also known as Grandpa R's hay wagon. Grandma R loading us kids up and her painting supplies and heading to the woods for the day. Metal wash tubs for summer baths, kerosene lamp puppet shows when heavy snow knocked the lights out. Butchering, gardening, canning. I could write a recipe book out of the meals my grandmas, Mom and aunts made. Family gathered in rooms so small people would wonder how we all fit. Holidays full of love, laughter, food, family and a gift. Our gifts back then sure wasn't the stuff you see now and we didn't get stockings full of stuff but we did always get an orange (and I continue this with Kaya today...she loves it).
  I have had people in my husband's family tell me it would be wonderful to be born into such a life...and I can't humble myself and say "Oh well now"...because it was and it is. They say it must be amazing to be born into such love...and that is an understatement. I cannot think of one time that my heart hasn't lifted when I am with my family. Even in moments of heartbreak...we pull together and we come out of it stronger.
  Some of us have strayed off the path, some of us I know my grandparents would not be proud of. They would love that person but they would scold them and try to show them the right way. But I know that they love every single one of us for ourselves and watch over us daily. It's hard to have great aunt and great uncles and uncles added to the list of those that have passed but I'm thankful for the knowledge, the morals, the life they have shown us.
  Today Grandpa W is in heaven having a great party. Granny didn't like to bake sweets..lol..so Grandma R is probably making his lemon meringue pie. Grandpa R is giving Granny a hard time and she's telling him to behave before he gets it. Grandpa W has on his bib overalls with his blue hanky hanging out the back. Granny R is laughing with her face covered with her apron like she did when we were kids. Grandpa R has his farm hat and his twist of chew in ;) And they are happy, healthy and watching over all of us.

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