No way to wax poetic..sickness SUCKS. A trip to the dr confirmed Kaya has influenza a. The symptoms had also pushed her towards croup. So a round of steroids (always nice on the emotions...hers and ours!!), lots of rest and hydration and within two weeks she should be back to normal.
She slept much better last night but the double breathing treatment in the drs office has began to break up her chest congestion so more of that horrible coughing. But..better for her to cough then to keep it in her lungs and run the risk of pneumonia.
The dr checked her record and asked if we had given her a flu shot outside the office. Which we had not. It is very hard in this area on kid's flu shots. The drs office gives out shots to Medicaid children first...which I am not saying that they should not get it but it's not really fair to be pushed back simply because we have insurance...and more than once regular insurance kids have had to wait till the next dose arrives (most drs offices in this area it seems Medicaid kids get first dibs). Then we always run into the offices only carrying the mixed swine flu shot which we do not allow Kaya to have. I've had friends at work think I was bonkers but the shot has not had a lot of research done on it and has been pushed through by the govt over a scare a few years back. And one main ingredient is said to accelerate cancer growth (cancer is prominent on both sides of the family). When I dug deeper I found that the health board, with the first out break of swine flu in this area this fall, announced that there was NO proof that the swine flu shot that had been given to area children had any protection or any asset for the child to have it! And they did not release what was in the latest vaccine. Lack of info on something serious makes me question why they gave it out to every kid in the neighborhood only to announce it offered no protection. It may not offer protection but what did it to their bodies? So we had a hard time this year getting a regular flu shot. My work offered free straight flu shots but Kaya was just under the age limit that they will do them. So next year we may skip the dr on the shot and go straight through our work company. We are lucky we do not deal with daycare but the possibility of preschool etc next year ups her chance of illness.
But back to point...the whole house is dealing with the flu bug. Except for my brother who the military has pumped so full of shots he may possibly glow! I wish that was a joke. No fun trying to degerm a house when you feel horrible.
Thankful today that I have a little more energy and that Steve feels better. Flu germs throw off his shot schedule too which is never good. Main goal is to get Kaya back to her perky happy self. Lysol is our friend :)
This is about day to day life with Kaya our baby girl she's now 8 and growing way too fast!! we will post new pictures and blogs as often as possible.
Kaya Rain

Our beautiful daughter.
Friday, December 28, 2012
Thursday, December 27, 2012
Kaya feeling puny
I hate when Kaya feels puny. She is so rarely sick that we often forget how bad it can be. We are very blessed that she is rarely sick and if she gets a minor bug she kicks it fast.
She started Cmas night with a runny nose and slight Wednesday morning it sprang to a horrible cough and a high fever. Nothing worse than watching a super active kiddo lay on the couch under a blanket.
She's on day two of not wanting much to eat. Says her tummy hurts but that she's not hungry. Just focusing on letting her drink what she wants (NO MILK!!) and relaxing.
Called the ER peds dr on duty yesterday and he was very nice. Told us we know our child better than any dr do what we feel is right but from what we told him we were doing what we should.
So kid's tylenol on schedule and lots of liquids but the fever stuck with her till this morning. Still not back to normal but the lowest it's been for nearly a day and a half. At least she is up walking etc.
Got ahold of her dr and they had one opening for 3:15. Eased my mind because I did NOT want to take her to the ER. She so rarely sees a dr other than for one case of croup and her yearly checkup that she knows who her dr is and has never seen another one. I was afraid the ER would upset her even more.
So will know more with the upcoming drs apt what is going on. Hopefully just a strong cold that will clear up with some cough meds etc. I hate that she coughed so hard yesterday she broke a blood vessel in her eye. She is definitely my kid lol I often do the same thing.
Steve is feeling so so. Said it's mainly his back and head today. Always worries me when he's sick because his shot ruins his immune system and it takes him awhile to shake things. Then it can mess up that weeks shot schedule etc.
No fun having a sick hubby and kiddo..and not feeling 100 percent myself. Today's goal is to get cleaning done and spray the lysol lol
She started Cmas night with a runny nose and slight Wednesday morning it sprang to a horrible cough and a high fever. Nothing worse than watching a super active kiddo lay on the couch under a blanket.
She's on day two of not wanting much to eat. Says her tummy hurts but that she's not hungry. Just focusing on letting her drink what she wants (NO MILK!!) and relaxing.
Called the ER peds dr on duty yesterday and he was very nice. Told us we know our child better than any dr do what we feel is right but from what we told him we were doing what we should.
So kid's tylenol on schedule and lots of liquids but the fever stuck with her till this morning. Still not back to normal but the lowest it's been for nearly a day and a half. At least she is up walking etc.
Got ahold of her dr and they had one opening for 3:15. Eased my mind because I did NOT want to take her to the ER. She so rarely sees a dr other than for one case of croup and her yearly checkup that she knows who her dr is and has never seen another one. I was afraid the ER would upset her even more.
So will know more with the upcoming drs apt what is going on. Hopefully just a strong cold that will clear up with some cough meds etc. I hate that she coughed so hard yesterday she broke a blood vessel in her eye. She is definitely my kid lol I often do the same thing.
Steve is feeling so so. Said it's mainly his back and head today. Always worries me when he's sick because his shot ruins his immune system and it takes him awhile to shake things. Then it can mess up that weeks shot schedule etc.
No fun having a sick hubby and kiddo..and not feeling 100 percent myself. Today's goal is to get cleaning done and spray the lysol lol
Wednesday, December 26, 2012
Christmas Day
Well it was not our typical Christmas Day by no means...but we were together and happy so I suppose that is the whole point of the day :)
Woke up with me feeling less than great but still had fun watching Kaya open her mountains of gifts. Santa must have known something we did not LOL Just kidding. She was excited over every single gift. Her face lit up when she opened her stocking .
Very thankful for Steve putting everything together while I slept.
Then we spent the day lounging in bed, lounging on the couch you name it basically doing nothing. Kaya had started with a slight runny nightfall she was running a fever.
But we all got to be together and have fun. It was very nice to have Jonus home with us. That was the best gift I got :)
Woke up with me feeling less than great but still had fun watching Kaya open her mountains of gifts. Santa must have known something we did not LOL Just kidding. She was excited over every single gift. Her face lit up when she opened her stocking .
Very thankful for Steve putting everything together while I slept.
Then we spent the day lounging in bed, lounging on the couch you name it basically doing nothing. Kaya had started with a slight runny nightfall she was running a fever.
But we all got to be together and have fun. It was very nice to have Jonus home with us. That was the best gift I got :)
Tuesday, December 25, 2012
Christmas Eve
Christmas Eve did not go exactly as planned lol I fell Saturday and got pretty bruised up but didn't think much of it. I had a house full of kids (which I adore to the moon and back) and even played outside with Kaya in the snow all weekend. Then come work on Monday it hit. That concrete floor whipped my butt! Sore legs, hips that killed me and muscle cramps. Add in a horrible headache, stuffy nose and cough...and by the time I got home at 4:30 I was miserable!
Thankfully Mom fixed supper and I could rest. After a dose of Nyquil I was out for the evening lol
Steve did awesome pulling Cmas eve together. Tucked Kaya in and then worked his magic in the frontroom. Stocking filled complete with letter from Santa. Gifts arranged under the tree.
It looked wonderful this morning!
Very thankful for him doing it all so I could rest. Not feeling 100 percent yet but feeling better!!
Thankfully Mom fixed supper and I could rest. After a dose of Nyquil I was out for the evening lol
Steve did awesome pulling Cmas eve together. Tucked Kaya in and then worked his magic in the frontroom. Stocking filled complete with letter from Santa. Gifts arranged under the tree.
It looked wonderful this morning!
Very thankful for him doing it all so I could rest. Not feeling 100 percent yet but feeling better!!
Thursday, December 20, 2012
Sometimes I'm confused
Sometimes I'm confused by people. The holidays (minus if you are having a serious issue, a health problem etc) are suppose to be a time of being together, being happy, loving each other and feeling joyful. But so many no matter what make it drama, griping, stress and worry.
In the last week we have seen 20 little ones (the count at the last article I read) buried due to senseless violence. 20 families that will not hold their child on Christmas morning. 20 Mom's that won't pack a school lunch or bake another bday cake. 20 fathers that won't take their child fishing or create a memory. Instead 20 families will visit their child at a cemetery. They will put a wreath on a grave for Christmas, a balloon for a birthday and every night they will pray to find peace. And yet....there are still people failing to realize that we need to hold our families and our children closer.
I was raised firmly that family time was the best. It didn't matter if the house had a spot of dust, who brought what, or if there was any gifts etc. It was just being together. seems as if people state they want quality time and time together...but seem to place everything else in front of family time. Then in 20 years they will wonder why those "kids" don't seem to have time for them, how much they've grown and changed..and how much they missed out on.
People cause drama within their families. People lie to each other, lie on each other, use each other and then wonder why family doesn't want to be around them.
Or...they simply can't work "family" into their schedule of friends,parties etc.
I made a pact with myself this year that I was not holding onto drama, not tolerating anything in our bubble of happiness, and letting go of other people's issues.
I try hard to remember that I may not know what is going on with someone else or why they act a certain way and if their attitude doesn't directly affect me then it's not my business or cross to bear.
We've dealt with family and friends that have edged away from us. Some when we had a kid...we focused on Kaya not getting together or hanging out all night. Some when Steve was diagnosed with MS.
And sadly some during the holiday season preach and post and text about time together but then we are not invited till the last minute (after other plans are made), we are forgot all together or it's made into such a to do that it wears ME out.
I have battled with feeling guilty over being excited to just be home Christmas eve and to not be in all the hubub surrounding other events. I felt as if I was being a bad person, not in the holiday mood etc. Till I realized that I am actually happy to just be home this year. To downsize some other areas of our life. It doesn't mean I don't love people. It doesn't mean I don't love the holidays, get togethers or family. It just means that I have reached a point in my life where I know what goes on in my life and with my family. I know what our strengths are, what our weaknesses are, and what we need/ have to do. People often do not realize what we have on our plate. Full time work, full time parenting of a 4yr old, full time medical illness, and we have surrounding issues such as the situation with my Dad etc. Only WE know what is right for US.
So I'm glad that I have bee sticking to my Drama free zone and better state of mind.
For one..I think this has been so far one of the best holiday seasons. Less stress and worry about everything. I have literally been happy and in the Christmas mood since Thanksgiving and I cannot say that for alot of my friends/family/coworkers. I've come to understand that life changes and nothing stays the same...and all that matters is making those memories together. Not looking back in regret because your whole life the holiday has been this way...and now you have to alter it. The guilt is gone. When it came to Jonus and his military time we've always said that Christmas was not always on Dec might be on June 30th if that was when he could be home. And I'm working that into my everyday not see the date on the calendar but the feeling in my heart :)
So here is to stress free holiday time, lots of laughs, lots of true family and friends, and most importantly lots of LOVE :)
In the last week we have seen 20 little ones (the count at the last article I read) buried due to senseless violence. 20 families that will not hold their child on Christmas morning. 20 Mom's that won't pack a school lunch or bake another bday cake. 20 fathers that won't take their child fishing or create a memory. Instead 20 families will visit their child at a cemetery. They will put a wreath on a grave for Christmas, a balloon for a birthday and every night they will pray to find peace. And yet....there are still people failing to realize that we need to hold our families and our children closer.
I was raised firmly that family time was the best. It didn't matter if the house had a spot of dust, who brought what, or if there was any gifts etc. It was just being together. seems as if people state they want quality time and time together...but seem to place everything else in front of family time. Then in 20 years they will wonder why those "kids" don't seem to have time for them, how much they've grown and changed..and how much they missed out on.
People cause drama within their families. People lie to each other, lie on each other, use each other and then wonder why family doesn't want to be around them.
Or...they simply can't work "family" into their schedule of friends,parties etc.
I made a pact with myself this year that I was not holding onto drama, not tolerating anything in our bubble of happiness, and letting go of other people's issues.
I try hard to remember that I may not know what is going on with someone else or why they act a certain way and if their attitude doesn't directly affect me then it's not my business or cross to bear.
We've dealt with family and friends that have edged away from us. Some when we had a kid...we focused on Kaya not getting together or hanging out all night. Some when Steve was diagnosed with MS.
And sadly some during the holiday season preach and post and text about time together but then we are not invited till the last minute (after other plans are made), we are forgot all together or it's made into such a to do that it wears ME out.
I have battled with feeling guilty over being excited to just be home Christmas eve and to not be in all the hubub surrounding other events. I felt as if I was being a bad person, not in the holiday mood etc. Till I realized that I am actually happy to just be home this year. To downsize some other areas of our life. It doesn't mean I don't love people. It doesn't mean I don't love the holidays, get togethers or family. It just means that I have reached a point in my life where I know what goes on in my life and with my family. I know what our strengths are, what our weaknesses are, and what we need/ have to do. People often do not realize what we have on our plate. Full time work, full time parenting of a 4yr old, full time medical illness, and we have surrounding issues such as the situation with my Dad etc. Only WE know what is right for US.
So I'm glad that I have bee sticking to my Drama free zone and better state of mind.
For one..I think this has been so far one of the best holiday seasons. Less stress and worry about everything. I have literally been happy and in the Christmas mood since Thanksgiving and I cannot say that for alot of my friends/family/coworkers. I've come to understand that life changes and nothing stays the same...and all that matters is making those memories together. Not looking back in regret because your whole life the holiday has been this way...and now you have to alter it. The guilt is gone. When it came to Jonus and his military time we've always said that Christmas was not always on Dec might be on June 30th if that was when he could be home. And I'm working that into my everyday not see the date on the calendar but the feeling in my heart :)
So here is to stress free holiday time, lots of laughs, lots of true family and friends, and most importantly lots of LOVE :)
Monday, December 17, 2012
Watching Kaya today...
Can honestly say watching Kaya today has made me tear up more than once. She simply adores her Uncle Jonus. No ifs ands or buts about it. She's been hugging him all day, saying she loves him..and making the point to him this is his home :) I have noticed when he goes out on the porch etc she is quick to check on him and has asked him more than once does he have to leave.
Little hearts are so true and innocent. They just love. No questions asked. Those little hearts know what makes them happy, what they need etc.
Kaya has so much love, so much heart. I LOVE it.
Jonus is a fine Uncle and I love watching them together. He simply adores her.
I'm so glad to have all of us together for Christmas this year.
Little hearts are so true and innocent. They just love. No questions asked. Those little hearts know what makes them happy, what they need etc.
Kaya has so much love, so much heart. I LOVE it.
Jonus is a fine Uncle and I love watching them together. He simply adores her.
I'm so glad to have all of us together for Christmas this year.
I've been busting at the seams...
I've been busting at the seams to say something...but have managed to not say anything about it for nearly a week lol
We left this morning at 3:30 am and picked up my little brother at the airport! We really didn't get alot of sleep last night simply because we were excited to know he was coming home and Kaya, even though she didn't feel well, was on high to just get him home!
It was so nice to see his face at the airport. Other than his high and tight (military haircut) being a bit shaggier than normal LOL he looks the same. He laugh and said he left 92 degree weather to come to this? Although he did laugh and say it was not typical December weather for snow, no freezing cold etc.
I won't lie..I've been praying for the weather to hold off (that is a long drive in the dark to the airport and back) until he was home. Plus I had no clue if he would fly a straight flight or do a second change in Minnesota like he normally does. Thankfully he did not do the MI deal...all those flights have been delayed due to weather!! He flew straight from Hawaii to LA then to Indy.
I've been biting the inside of my mouth to NOT say anything to anyone. We didn't want anyone planning on coming over immediately we just wanted family time. So it was nice to post that he was home today. Only a few odd and end people and some close family knew.
It was so nice to hug him and hear his goofy laugh. Him and Steve laughing on the way home, Jonus teasing and cracking up. And then to see Kaya's face !!! Oh my!!
Jonus walked in and the child simply lit up! She was so excited she was literally shaking! She goes "UNCLE JONUS!!! YOU ARE HOME....for how long?" Her eyes dropped to the floor. He knelt down and told her "For a long time. I don't have to leave in 2 wks to go anywhere. I don't have to leave until I start school." Well that was the right answer!! She hugged him and hugged him. She's very happy to have her "Uncle/brother/boyfriend" ;) home. She has said over and over how much she loves him, fixed him a glass of water etc. She has also decided if his fave color is green then her fave color is green now too! LOL
Nice to have my pesty little brother back under our roof. It's been over a year or more since he's been home. Kaya's changed, he's changed..we've changed. I know he's not the same guy that walked out the door nearly 4 yrs ago but he's still my baby brother :) Nice to feed him a homemade breakfast (with chili soup on the menu for supper..he's request), to hear him laugh and to be together.
When I heard he had a chance to get home before Christmas..I decided that was what I wanted as my gift. I've missed him so much. We are more like twins than just brother and sister..and to be honest we are "bestest friends" :) I couldn't ask for a finer uncle for my daughter or a better brother in law for my husband.
We are thinking this year for Cmas eve we are just staying home and enjoying being together. So many families won't get that luxury so we are going to enjoy it :)
We left this morning at 3:30 am and picked up my little brother at the airport! We really didn't get alot of sleep last night simply because we were excited to know he was coming home and Kaya, even though she didn't feel well, was on high to just get him home!
It was so nice to see his face at the airport. Other than his high and tight (military haircut) being a bit shaggier than normal LOL he looks the same. He laugh and said he left 92 degree weather to come to this? Although he did laugh and say it was not typical December weather for snow, no freezing cold etc.
I won't lie..I've been praying for the weather to hold off (that is a long drive in the dark to the airport and back) until he was home. Plus I had no clue if he would fly a straight flight or do a second change in Minnesota like he normally does. Thankfully he did not do the MI deal...all those flights have been delayed due to weather!! He flew straight from Hawaii to LA then to Indy.
I've been biting the inside of my mouth to NOT say anything to anyone. We didn't want anyone planning on coming over immediately we just wanted family time. So it was nice to post that he was home today. Only a few odd and end people and some close family knew.
It was so nice to hug him and hear his goofy laugh. Him and Steve laughing on the way home, Jonus teasing and cracking up. And then to see Kaya's face !!! Oh my!!
Jonus walked in and the child simply lit up! She was so excited she was literally shaking! She goes "UNCLE JONUS!!! YOU ARE HOME....for how long?" Her eyes dropped to the floor. He knelt down and told her "For a long time. I don't have to leave in 2 wks to go anywhere. I don't have to leave until I start school." Well that was the right answer!! She hugged him and hugged him. She's very happy to have her "Uncle/brother/boyfriend" ;) home. She has said over and over how much she loves him, fixed him a glass of water etc. She has also decided if his fave color is green then her fave color is green now too! LOL
Nice to have my pesty little brother back under our roof. It's been over a year or more since he's been home. Kaya's changed, he's changed..we've changed. I know he's not the same guy that walked out the door nearly 4 yrs ago but he's still my baby brother :) Nice to feed him a homemade breakfast (with chili soup on the menu for supper..he's request), to hear him laugh and to be together.
When I heard he had a chance to get home before Christmas..I decided that was what I wanted as my gift. I've missed him so much. We are more like twins than just brother and sister..and to be honest we are "bestest friends" :) I couldn't ask for a finer uncle for my daughter or a better brother in law for my husband.
We are thinking this year for Cmas eve we are just staying home and enjoying being together. So many families won't get that luxury so we are going to enjoy it :)
Saturday, December 15, 2012
Something I feel very strongly about...
I urge everyone to watch this video. Man or woman. It's a very powerful video.
At the end of the year we are not only facing a financial cliff but a moral one as well. If Congress fails to extend the VAWA (Violence Against Women Act) by the end of the year there will be no legal extended laws on the books to protect women in domestic violence situations. A lot of focus is on the financial side of what may be expiring but this is a serious law as well.
As it stands the VAWA is a broad spectrum law. Congress is being urged to extend it's date as well as update it from it's basic 2005 writing and interpretations.
Right this minute a woman is sitting on her couch on a reservation in the United States. That woman is as much a US citizen as you or I. But..she has no legal protection when it comes to domestic violence or rape. As an American Indian woman she can only prosecute a man if he is enrolled in her tribe or tribally enrolled somewhere. A white man can rape and beat a Native woman(as her boyfriend or as a husband!) and the US government has for years declined to have any jurisdiction. If the man is Native then tribal courts can prosecute him..if he is white then there is no status for prosecution as the tribe has no control over non members.
The act is also important in that it provides coverage for same sex relationships. Whether a person agrees with a couple being of the same sex has no bearing on whether violence should be allowed or not. NO woman deserves to be hit or verbally abused.
This law also covers all women living in the US to give them extended coverage and resources to get out of the situation. Once expired the law is off the books till voted on in another session. This simple law has helped crack down on abusers by allowing more evidence collection and for creating stiffer penalties for abusers.
I myself have never been a victim of abuse and never saw it growing up. But I have many friends that have been on the receiving end of a beating or a verbal beating. I've seen them struggle with their own self esteem, with cops who told them "the bruises aren't dark enough I wouldn't file if I was you" while being made sit out in the front office of the police station with everyone watching. I've seen them say "Well he cried and said he was sorry. I can't lose my stuff just to leave him". I've seen them have a miscarriage because the beating went too far. And I've seen men that saw that kind of violence as children and the affect it's had on them..many turning into completely opposite men while others not so much. Domestic violence doesn't just affect the trickles down to her children.
But legislation alone (and only geared towards are just as likely to be abused as's just less likely a man will report it) cannot fix the problem. It takes raising our daughters to know their own strength, to know that they deserve to be treated with love,kindness and respect and not as a sex object. It takes raising our sons to be men, not merely grown boys. Teaching them to respect a woman, to remind them that every woman is someone's daughter. But it also takes teaching both boys and girls that a real relationship takes respect from both partners. When that time comes there will be no need for legislation. Rape will be an unheard of word. It won't be used in war or to control a woman or a situation. Domestic violence won't be that little pile of dirt that gets swept under the rug, hid under makeup and pretended to not be heard by neighbors.
Saturday, December 8, 2012
Awesome Saturday..and first day of Hanukkah
Love Saturdays like today. Just the three of us took off and had breakfast out. Kaya loved it. We don't often go out just the three of us so it's a nice treat during the busy holiday season.
After errands ran, bills paid (BOO lol), and movies rented we headed home for some indoor time due to the rain.
We played Pretty Pony, played dolls, cleaned up the house some, and just had fun. Kaya's pick for her movie was a Halloween movie...imagine that...but it was pretty good. At the Henderson Hacienda it's always time for a Halloween show :)
Kaya is also currently trying to hatch an "alien egg" she got from the Dollar Tree. After 3 days the egg is suppose to swell up and crack..and hatch an alien. She's pretty excited and checks the egg a lot!
This evening at sundown also started Hanukkah. Although we are not Jewish and we celebrate Christmas Kaya has always loved the story of Hanukkah, how the oil lasted 8 days and how it's called a Celebration of Lights. We always read the children's version every year. She also makes a dreidel every year. We normally make latkes and Sufganiyots...which Steve and Kaya made on Friday evening. I think it's important for Kaya to know other cultures and traditions...and recipes are a great way to learn things.
Kaya removed another link from her Christmas chain and is getting very excited over how short it's becoming :) Hard to believe how close it is to Christmas.
Kaya also rented the children's version of Silent Night and we are going to watch it tomorrow. She is excited that it is the story of the 3 wise men and baby Jesus ;)
Thinking tomorrows agenda will probably be cleaning house,lots of fun play (possible rain again tomorrow!) etc as I start a seven day stretch on Monday :( Sooo I try to stretch the weekends out as long as possible!
After errands ran, bills paid (BOO lol), and movies rented we headed home for some indoor time due to the rain.
We played Pretty Pony, played dolls, cleaned up the house some, and just had fun. Kaya's pick for her movie was a Halloween movie...imagine that...but it was pretty good. At the Henderson Hacienda it's always time for a Halloween show :)
Kaya is also currently trying to hatch an "alien egg" she got from the Dollar Tree. After 3 days the egg is suppose to swell up and crack..and hatch an alien. She's pretty excited and checks the egg a lot!
This evening at sundown also started Hanukkah. Although we are not Jewish and we celebrate Christmas Kaya has always loved the story of Hanukkah, how the oil lasted 8 days and how it's called a Celebration of Lights. We always read the children's version every year. She also makes a dreidel every year. We normally make latkes and Sufganiyots...which Steve and Kaya made on Friday evening. I think it's important for Kaya to know other cultures and traditions...and recipes are a great way to learn things.
Kaya removed another link from her Christmas chain and is getting very excited over how short it's becoming :) Hard to believe how close it is to Christmas.
Kaya also rented the children's version of Silent Night and we are going to watch it tomorrow. She is excited that it is the story of the 3 wise men and baby Jesus ;)
Thinking tomorrows agenda will probably be cleaning house,lots of fun play (possible rain again tomorrow!) etc as I start a seven day stretch on Monday :( Sooo I try to stretch the weekends out as long as possible!
Friday, December 7, 2012
I think...
I think as women, as Moms, a lot of us would be better off to be honest. To cast aside the whole societal idea of what a "Mom" is, or looks like, or acts. One side fights against the other but at the end of the day..we are just Moms. Working Moms are classified as career oriented, missing out on their kid(s) events and life, and selfish for working. They are seen as happy to be away from the home and that they get more "me" time and away time (when in reality most working Moms spend just as much time doing the same things as stay at homes...we just have to do it in less time in the evening after working on our feet for 9 hrs and thinking every minute of our kiddo being away from us). When in reality most Moms work not because they necessarily want to but HAVE to. They carry the insurance, they may have a situation in the home that has either the Dad at home or both parents have to work, or they need the income. I can honestly say in our situation Steve is the stay at home Dad and I work. May not work for others but does for us. Stay at home Moms get classified as sitting on the couch eating bonbons and watching the soaps. As being selfish for not using a college degree they may have earned or as being control freaks whose husbands have to earn the dough their wives spend. Or they are thought of as Suzy homemaker with the perfect life, attending all events and happy to be at home 24/7 and sacrifice their own time for their family only. When in reality stay at home Moms work just as hard as working Moms, have just as much responsibility and are just as important to their families as any other Mom. And they need their own time to grow as a person/as a woman/ as a Mom once in awhile. At the end of the day we all tuck our kids in, kiss them and relish our blessings of a sweet child(dren) and a wonderful husband. We as women have to start redefining how we are seen. I may work full time but it doesn't mean that I am a control freak. I may put supper on the table but doesn't mean I'm suddenly less of an independent woman. It just means that I have found a balance in my life and it's working for now. But life is meant to flex and to change..and you either move with it or you get squished!! We also have to be honest with each other that our lives are distinctly our own. Not one single woman walking this earth is perfect. None of us have the perfect home, the perfect family. We have kids that get dirty, get in trouble and push the boundaries. They get sassy, refuse to eat their veggies and act out in public every once in awhile. We have husbands that at times tend to not fit into the "knight on a white horse" image. That makes us mad, that forgets to put their socks in the utility room, that lets the kids do something we may not like but we love them with all our hearts. We have inlaws that we'd like to bean from time to time but they gave us our awesome husbands and are important in lots of ways. And we have to cut ourselves some well as other women. Maybe that Mom in the store who's kid is screaming bloody murder isn't a bad Mom that lacks discipline for her kid...maybe she has a sick kiddo and is in a town far from home and has noone to watch him while she picks up medicine etc. We have to realize our kids are not suppose to be figuring out quantum science by the age of 2, speaking fluent Spanish by 3 or fitting into a peghole. Our kids can have one blue sock and one green's not the end of the world. We need to realize we as women nourish our children for 9 mo, then nourish them for many more months..and for a lifetime with love. We teach them kindness, love, respect, discipline,prayers. We give them routines and order. We need to be honest and let other women in our circle and our lives know we falter, we err but we are human and we are making our child's lives better. None of us parent the same or have the same lives. My city slicker friends may think we are nature loving hippies growing our own food/doing compost and taking a different route in life. Maybe I see at times my city friends as too focused on what others think, too focused on milestones instead of the memories, and living too hectic of a life. But if it works for them and they are's kosher with me :) The definition of a good Mom is not where/how/ when she works, what she looks like or how she runs her's in a well adjusted loving child! |
Reminding myself
I think my main issue with holiday shopping is watching people with overstuffed carts, frazzled out from lists/errands/wants gripe at the poor cashiers. The long lines. The drivers who drive like idiots. And people just being rude to each other.
We are far from materialistic people. We try hard to instill in Kaya that you can always dream of things etc but you don't have to have some physical item purchased to make you happy. This year we decided we were breaking the holiday down to it's core. Going back to being simple, less focus on gifts, more focus on traditions/family time, and not stressing over things. We found gifts that others may have overlooked that would be perfect for someone on our list ..and we found them in unexpected places (such as a beautiful hand tatted shawl that my Grandma made that as soon as I saw it made me think Steve's cousin :) I know my Granny would love someone having it that would adore it and I've got lots of her goodies and would never use the shawl) or we made gifts (hand painted ornaments, a prayer box for another close relative etc) that we knew people would like. But I found myself watching others with their heaping carts of gifts, of just things..and thought "Man, it must be nice to do that." Money has not been growing on trees this year lol with everything we've had going on. I felt that twinge of ...of something I couldn't quite put my finger on but I did NOT like feeling.
Then I took a deep breath, stepped mentally out of the situation and refocused...on what was important. It's great that some can afford to drop insane amounts of money on gift items, fun items and junk groceries. If they have the money more power to them. If they don't have the money and are sidled with the feelings that they have to do those things to gain love, friends or to one up someone then I genuinely feel sorry for them. I've always said that a poor man looks at his rich neighbor and sees a fine house...while the rich man looks at the poor man and sees a HOME. May be a silly paradox but fitting.
I think the holiday times can make people spend too foolhardy, can make them lose their sense of happiness because they allow to do lists, errands, family events and things they think they HAVE to do ruin their holiday. I try hard to step away from that stuff, keep our home lively and fun, and focus on family.
So other than Steve feeling wore out after the shopping trip and being less than thrilled it's shot night...the trip was a success. Even got Kaya her traditional new pjs for Cmas eve :) All that is left is stocking stuffers for her. And since it's Friday we have a whole weekend of fun things ahead of us :) :)
Tuesday, December 4, 2012
Letter to Santa
Kaya recited her letter to Santa to me tonight so we could get it ready to mail. She cracks me up and it's very hard to keep a straight face. You have to picture her sitting in the chair, finger tapping on her little chin, giving this letter alot of thought lol
Dear Santa,
I am Kaya Rain. I am 4. I would like a toy horse and a glow in the dark toy you write on.
I love you Santa Clause. Because you smell like cherries.
And I also want a beautiful dragon, a giant toy dog, Ariel doll, a toy tiger named Tigey, a girl (ONLY) unicorn,and clothes with dogs on them.
Please bring Daddy a shock collar, Mommy and Uncle Jonus a big surprise,Mammaw Wade a beautiful blankie and a book. Bella needs a new blanket, Sheldon has a shell but could really use a new hat and Pheart would like a book about cats.
Bring Aunt Judy a Cabbage Patch doll,Amanda a cool hairbrush, Jamie a hat, Crue Crue a dog toy, Chey a pet kitten, Little Stephen a football,Lynn a teddy bear Mammaw Teresa a shock collar for Bandit so he won't jump on people, and please bring Uncle Mitch the bestest gift of all ---a black bathrobe.
Thank you Santa for everything you bring me. For all my family and friends please bring them a wonderful Christmas!
We are assuming she mentioned the shock collar (not sure whether to use on her Daddy or what! haha) because Steve was teasing his Mom the other day about her dogs needing one! Little minds remember lots!
Dear Santa,
I am Kaya Rain. I am 4. I would like a toy horse and a glow in the dark toy you write on.
I love you Santa Clause. Because you smell like cherries.
And I also want a beautiful dragon, a giant toy dog, Ariel doll, a toy tiger named Tigey, a girl (ONLY) unicorn,and clothes with dogs on them.
Please bring Daddy a shock collar, Mommy and Uncle Jonus a big surprise,Mammaw Wade a beautiful blankie and a book. Bella needs a new blanket, Sheldon has a shell but could really use a new hat and Pheart would like a book about cats.
Bring Aunt Judy a Cabbage Patch doll,Amanda a cool hairbrush, Jamie a hat, Crue Crue a dog toy, Chey a pet kitten, Little Stephen a football,Lynn a teddy bear Mammaw Teresa a shock collar for Bandit so he won't jump on people, and please bring Uncle Mitch the bestest gift of all ---a black bathrobe.
Thank you Santa for everything you bring me. For all my family and friends please bring them a wonderful Christmas!
We are assuming she mentioned the shock collar (not sure whether to use on her Daddy or what! haha) because Steve was teasing his Mom the other day about her dogs needing one! Little minds remember lots!
Kaya is always good in her letter to remember other family members and is quite creative on what she wants them to get.
We have also been discussing with her how this week we will be doing our angel tree kid. She's pretty excited about it. We explained to her that the little girl needed panties..which Kaya thought we meant she was running around with no panties on. Finally got her to understand she has panties just that she needed more. That not all kids are blessed with clothes etc. Then Kaya got it in her mind that the little girl must need panties because she has alot of accidents!!!! Her mind is always going!! So finally got her to understand that the little girl needed panties because she may only have 2 pairs and her parents cant afford to buy her more. Kaya got quiet and goes "Oh that is sad. I'm very lucky. I wish all kids could have lots and lots of panties". Sometimes the simplest thoughts speak the loudest!
Steve has felt sorta blah this evening so we are taking it easy. Take out for supper..a nice treat around here lol...and Kaya did her letter. Going to finish up some handmade gifts and then take it easy this evening. It's only Tuesday but it's been a looonng week.
Steve has felt sorta blah this evening so we are taking it easy. Take out for supper..a nice treat around here lol...and Kaya did her letter. Going to finish up some handmade gifts and then take it easy this evening. It's only Tuesday but it's been a looonng week.
Sunday, December 2, 2012
Fun Sunday!
Ahhh has been a wonderfully relaxing weekend and a really good Sunday. We try hard to keep Sunday low key, family based and fun. Growing up Sunday with my family always meant a good meal at my Wade grandparents then over to the Roberts side in the evening for lots of playing with cousins etc. We may not have a house full every Sunday but I try to keep it fun for Kaya, make a good meal, and focus on us.
This Sunday Kaya's feet hit the floor nice and early :) and she was ready to make salt dough ornaments. One of the easiest recipes I've ever seen and they made up wonderfully. Kaya had a blast mixing the dough, cutting out the shapes and then painting them. Once done we put string on them and hung them on the tree. I had to laugh at the conversations while making them:
Kaya: "Mamma, snow is always white unless it's yellow honey. Yellow snow (dropping her voice) means a dog has peed in it."
Kaya: "Mamma, what does this dough taste like (I say very salty)Hmmm so I do NOT want to feed it to Bella either to see if she likes it? (NOOO)
She cracks me up with her observations and laughs.
We also today did her hand print ornament. I was very happy with it and Steve was really impressed.
I put her name and year on it and it looks great on the tree. We even made several for some family members complete with the logo "Kaya's Kreations 2012" wrote on the bottom! Can't wait to give them out. I saw it on facebook/internet and really liked the idea behind it. Glad we gave it a go :)
Made a roast in the crockpot complete with carrots (even though Kaya has to have hers raw) and then shredded the roast into brown gravy and simmered it. Served with the carrots, cottage cheese and a bake potato. Got two thumbs up all around!
Best thing today: Kaya told us "I've had a great weekend with you and Daddy. I love you both alot. You guys are my bestest friends." She's been in a huggy, kissy sweet mood all day! I won't complain :) :)
This Sunday Kaya's feet hit the floor nice and early :) and she was ready to make salt dough ornaments. One of the easiest recipes I've ever seen and they made up wonderfully. Kaya had a blast mixing the dough, cutting out the shapes and then painting them. Once done we put string on them and hung them on the tree. I had to laugh at the conversations while making them:
Kaya: "Mamma, snow is always white unless it's yellow honey. Yellow snow (dropping her voice) means a dog has peed in it."
Kaya: "Mamma, what does this dough taste like (I say very salty)Hmmm so I do NOT want to feed it to Bella either to see if she likes it? (NOOO)
She cracks me up with her observations and laughs.
We also today did her hand print ornament. I was very happy with it and Steve was really impressed.
I put her name and year on it and it looks great on the tree. We even made several for some family members complete with the logo "Kaya's Kreations 2012" wrote on the bottom! Can't wait to give them out. I saw it on facebook/internet and really liked the idea behind it. Glad we gave it a go :)
Made a roast in the crockpot complete with carrots (even though Kaya has to have hers raw) and then shredded the roast into brown gravy and simmered it. Served with the carrots, cottage cheese and a bake potato. Got two thumbs up all around!
Best thing today: Kaya told us "I've had a great weekend with you and Daddy. I love you both alot. You guys are my bestest friends." She's been in a huggy, kissy sweet mood all day! I won't complain :) :)
Saturday, December 1, 2012
Ahhh yes Saturday. I love Saturdays. Kaya loves Saturdays. Steve loves Saturdays lol As long as it's my Saturday off :)
Has been a fabulous day around here. Very odd December weather. Warm enough you barely need a jacket! Not too many days in December can be spent playing on the trampoline and in the garden with just a light jacket on! So we took full advantage of it.
First off was Kaya's pictures. To say she did awesome is an understatement. We didn't do fancy dress or anything like that. Jeans, star sneakers, white tank with a button up black shirt over it and curly pigtails. She did pick out her own jewelry (pretty necklace and bracelet). It was very hard to take in the fact that she is cruising toward the big 5! My little baby isn't so little anymore.
The photographer did awesome and it was hard to narrow down the pics. Thanks to an excellent coupon and a good discount holiday deal we got enough pics and also got a free five picture collage. When I can see them online I will have to share them :) I teared up too when she had her Cmas picture taken with her doll Uncle Jonus had shipped to her. She picked it out on her own for the pictures today and I thought it was a sweet touch.
Rest of our awesome Saturday has been spent outdoors. Tree on the front porch is now decorated, porch railings are done, icicle lights are up. Feels pretty festive and Kaya loves the lights.
Hate that Steve feels tired this evening. His shot last night often makes him feel draggy the next day. But he's always a trooper and not only hung lights but cleaned the gutters :)
Kaya fell asleep way early on us this evening, even before supper was done, but she's been up and going since 7am and she plays HARD! Hoping she either sleeps the whole night through or I may have to wake her in an hour so she will sleep later tonight. (She's not the sweetest kid when you have to wake her up..IF you can get her up LOL)
I do love Saturdays :) :)
Picture is of the same tree lol The one on the left shows the ornaments on the right shows the lights lol Oh and Kaya's santa sitting in a wagon LOL
Has been a fabulous day around here. Very odd December weather. Warm enough you barely need a jacket! Not too many days in December can be spent playing on the trampoline and in the garden with just a light jacket on! So we took full advantage of it.
First off was Kaya's pictures. To say she did awesome is an understatement. We didn't do fancy dress or anything like that. Jeans, star sneakers, white tank with a button up black shirt over it and curly pigtails. She did pick out her own jewelry (pretty necklace and bracelet). It was very hard to take in the fact that she is cruising toward the big 5! My little baby isn't so little anymore.
The photographer did awesome and it was hard to narrow down the pics. Thanks to an excellent coupon and a good discount holiday deal we got enough pics and also got a free five picture collage. When I can see them online I will have to share them :) I teared up too when she had her Cmas picture taken with her doll Uncle Jonus had shipped to her. She picked it out on her own for the pictures today and I thought it was a sweet touch.
Rest of our awesome Saturday has been spent outdoors. Tree on the front porch is now decorated, porch railings are done, icicle lights are up. Feels pretty festive and Kaya loves the lights.
Hate that Steve feels tired this evening. His shot last night often makes him feel draggy the next day. But he's always a trooper and not only hung lights but cleaned the gutters :)
Kaya fell asleep way early on us this evening, even before supper was done, but she's been up and going since 7am and she plays HARD! Hoping she either sleeps the whole night through or I may have to wake her in an hour so she will sleep later tonight. (She's not the sweetest kid when you have to wake her up..IF you can get her up LOL)
I do love Saturdays :) :)
Picture is of the same tree lol The one on the left shows the ornaments on the right shows the lights lol Oh and Kaya's santa sitting in a wagon LOL
Friday, November 30, 2012
It's been a week of baking and holiday fun. Kaya has helped make sugar cookies and snickerdoodles. I think the snickerdoodles was the biggest hit. I love to watch her put the sprinkles on the cookies and have fun.
We put a Christmas tree on the front porch (just lights) along with Santa in a wagon. Kaya LOVES it. We've never done a tree on the front porch but it looks really nice. We need to get the lights hung up but the wind and the temps have not played nice with us lol We've got most the inside decorations up and they look really nice. Kaya put the stuffed snowman under the tree and so far Bella has not noticed it.
We swing back and forth between cold weather, super windy and very oddly nice weather for November. Kaya is confused lol and so are the plants! 70 degrees on Turkey day then down to the 30s by the weekend is nuts!
Hoping for a relaxing weekend as the hustle bustle of the holiday season gets fully under way.
We put a Christmas tree on the front porch (just lights) along with Santa in a wagon. Kaya LOVES it. We've never done a tree on the front porch but it looks really nice. We need to get the lights hung up but the wind and the temps have not played nice with us lol We've got most the inside decorations up and they look really nice. Kaya put the stuffed snowman under the tree and so far Bella has not noticed it.
We swing back and forth between cold weather, super windy and very oddly nice weather for November. Kaya is confused lol and so are the plants! 70 degrees on Turkey day then down to the 30s by the weekend is nuts!
Hoping for a relaxing weekend as the hustle bustle of the holiday season gets fully under way.
Trips down Memory Lane........
We have been going down and helping my Dad sort out things left in Granny's house, clean up things and make lists of what needs done so he can get moved in there this spring. I waited almost four months before I went back to Granny's after she died.
My first trip back was not easy. My grandparents home was always just ..there. The light on between the rocking chair and Grandpa's recliner, Granny sewing, Grandpa watching the evening farm report. Saturday nights spent sleeping on a pallet of blankets in the living room or in the floor at the foot of my grandparents bed. Popcorn parties on cold nights. Sunday afternoon lunch followed by reading the Sunday paper and laughing at Grandpa arguing with the Sunday political shows. Christmas Eve's crammed in the house with wall to wall people and food. Lots of laughs and even more love.
My first trip back was just a few days before Valentine's Day. I don't know how I expected to feel but the cold of the house sorta matched the way I felt. Kaya asked why Nanny wasn't living there and after explaining she was in Heaven etc she was content. She would go room to room laughing or talking about things her and Nanny did. I walked room to room. No rocking chair rocking. No tv on. A lot of silence. No Granny saying "Shut the light off behind you. Did you shut the cabinet door?" Just...silence. I remember thinking "man I wish I'd get a sign that my grandparents are ok, happy and together..." and then I saw an old yellowed envelope sticking out from some books. Plain, nothing special looking. Probably everyone had walked over it and never even noticed it. But something made me pick it up.
Inside was an OLD cloth valentine card from my Grandpa to my Granny their first Valentines together..when Grandpa was in the service during the war. A simple sweet message..rare because Grandpa was not one to show emotions...stating how he was a soldier away from home hoping that the next Valentines Day he'd be home with his wife. The tears poured out. They had given me my sign that they were happy and together. Their hearts were healed.
A few more trips back to the house have made me think back to alot of child hood memories. From fishing in the pond, to horseback riding, to chasing fireflies in the hay field with my baby brother. Watching the fireworks from my grandparents propane tank( we could see the high up ones in Bedford all the way from downhome).
That's when I realized that the house is just a house. It holds memories and fun times but in my heart is where my grandparents are. I still find myself noticing things not how Granny would want them or snickering to myself how Granny would be pitching a fit to know we are upstairs in the attic lol but...I've found that my heart has begun to heal. Maybe it's watching Kaya laugh and have fun as she goes through the easy she talks about her Nanny and the fun they had reminds me of when I was little. I've yet to go back to my Grandparent Robert's house since my Grandpa has died. Going back to homes that were like your second home isn't as easy as one would think. Maybe at times that old saying you can never go home again is can go back to a house but it changes.
We have been going down and helping my Dad sort out things left in Granny's house, clean up things and make lists of what needs done so he can get moved in there this spring. I waited almost four months before I went back to Granny's after she died.
My first trip back was not easy. My grandparents home was always just ..there. The light on between the rocking chair and Grandpa's recliner, Granny sewing, Grandpa watching the evening farm report. Saturday nights spent sleeping on a pallet of blankets in the living room or in the floor at the foot of my grandparents bed. Popcorn parties on cold nights. Sunday afternoon lunch followed by reading the Sunday paper and laughing at Grandpa arguing with the Sunday political shows. Christmas Eve's crammed in the house with wall to wall people and food. Lots of laughs and even more love.
My first trip back was just a few days before Valentine's Day. I don't know how I expected to feel but the cold of the house sorta matched the way I felt. Kaya asked why Nanny wasn't living there and after explaining she was in Heaven etc she was content. She would go room to room laughing or talking about things her and Nanny did. I walked room to room. No rocking chair rocking. No tv on. A lot of silence. No Granny saying "Shut the light off behind you. Did you shut the cabinet door?" Just...silence. I remember thinking "man I wish I'd get a sign that my grandparents are ok, happy and together..." and then I saw an old yellowed envelope sticking out from some books. Plain, nothing special looking. Probably everyone had walked over it and never even noticed it. But something made me pick it up.
Inside was an OLD cloth valentine card from my Grandpa to my Granny their first Valentines together..when Grandpa was in the service during the war. A simple sweet message..rare because Grandpa was not one to show emotions...stating how he was a soldier away from home hoping that the next Valentines Day he'd be home with his wife. The tears poured out. They had given me my sign that they were happy and together. Their hearts were healed.
A few more trips back to the house have made me think back to alot of child hood memories. From fishing in the pond, to horseback riding, to chasing fireflies in the hay field with my baby brother. Watching the fireworks from my grandparents propane tank( we could see the high up ones in Bedford all the way from downhome).
That's when I realized that the house is just a house. It holds memories and fun times but in my heart is where my grandparents are. I still find myself noticing things not how Granny would want them or snickering to myself how Granny would be pitching a fit to know we are upstairs in the attic lol but...I've found that my heart has begun to heal. Maybe it's watching Kaya laugh and have fun as she goes through the easy she talks about her Nanny and the fun they had reminds me of when I was little. I've yet to go back to my Grandparent Robert's house since my Grandpa has died. Going back to homes that were like your second home isn't as easy as one would think. Maybe at times that old saying you can never go home again is can go back to a house but it changes.
Tuesday, November 27, 2012
To say we are getting in the holiday mood is an understatement :)
We started with our family tradition of putting the Christmas tree up the weekend after Turkey Day (I grew up with our tree being put up the week of Cmas (sometimes even on Cmas EVE!!!) and then down the weekend after ...decided when I had a family I'd enjoy the tree and lights for awhile longer!)
We've made our first small wreath of the season. Kaya picked the ribbon and decorations for it and we hung it on the door going to the garage.
First batch of homemade Christmas cookies has been made and Frosty has kicked off the movie season (I can almost recite it and Rudolph by heart as Kaya last year watched them so often..even during the summer! LOL).
We try very hard to incorporate my traditions I grew up with , things Steve has always done as well new things that are just "our little family". We also talk about other cultures holiday events and Kaya loves the story of how Hanukkah came to be, the magic of the oil and the dreidel song. She knows the story of the Three Wise men and Jesus. We try hard to focus on the feeling of Christmas and less on the materialistic aspect of the holiday. We encourage her to be involved in charitable things and she's manned food drive bins etc.
I've worked retail for 19 yrs and many would think that the Scrooge feeling would push me over the edge. I do find myself aggravated at how many focus on checking ITEMS off the list instead of adding people they love to a different kind of list...fed up with how people treat each other while shopping etc. I am also lucky that my job doesn't require as much time face to face with people on the floor (my job now). But I've also learned that when I clock out my real day begins at home. That holiday cheer is great and that seeing my 4 yr old's eyes sparkle over the tree lights etc is what keeps me happy.
Wishing everyone a great time preparing for the holiday, the ability to slow down and enjoy each moment, and to repeat family traditions and make a few of their own :)
We started with our family tradition of putting the Christmas tree up the weekend after Turkey Day (I grew up with our tree being put up the week of Cmas (sometimes even on Cmas EVE!!!) and then down the weekend after ...decided when I had a family I'd enjoy the tree and lights for awhile longer!)
We've made our first small wreath of the season. Kaya picked the ribbon and decorations for it and we hung it on the door going to the garage.
First batch of homemade Christmas cookies has been made and Frosty has kicked off the movie season (I can almost recite it and Rudolph by heart as Kaya last year watched them so often..even during the summer! LOL).
We try very hard to incorporate my traditions I grew up with , things Steve has always done as well new things that are just "our little family". We also talk about other cultures holiday events and Kaya loves the story of how Hanukkah came to be, the magic of the oil and the dreidel song. She knows the story of the Three Wise men and Jesus. We try hard to focus on the feeling of Christmas and less on the materialistic aspect of the holiday. We encourage her to be involved in charitable things and she's manned food drive bins etc.
I've worked retail for 19 yrs and many would think that the Scrooge feeling would push me over the edge. I do find myself aggravated at how many focus on checking ITEMS off the list instead of adding people they love to a different kind of list...fed up with how people treat each other while shopping etc. I am also lucky that my job doesn't require as much time face to face with people on the floor (my job now). But I've also learned that when I clock out my real day begins at home. That holiday cheer is great and that seeing my 4 yr old's eyes sparkle over the tree lights etc is what keeps me happy.
Wishing everyone a great time preparing for the holiday, the ability to slow down and enjoy each moment, and to repeat family traditions and make a few of their own :)
Angel Trees and giving at Christmas
We try every year to pick a child off the angel tree that is the same age as Kaya. We feel that teaches her how it is to be a child and not have certain things, that not all little ones have everything, that sometimes just receiving clothes is a blessing, and that life is much bigger than her Christmas List.
We found a 4 yr old little girl that wants babies, girl things and under one of her special gifts she listed...Dora Panties. I teared up. Here my child has two dressers of clothes and this small child was asking for panties as one of her special gifts. I will admit I teared up reading the card.
I grew up far from rich, a farm kid that was thankful for a Mom and Grandmas that gardened and canned, a Dad and Grandpas that raised pigs and cows and butchered. The guys hunted and put up deer. We raised rabbits to eat. I never knew a day without a meal and I never knew that our Christmas by many would be considered "lean" mainly because we were happy, we got some toys and we got clothes. Steve had far less than I had and Christmas was not always a happy time. So we have always made Kaya a priority but we have tried hard to also make her realize how very blessed she is.
I know there are some rotten apples out there that spoil the bunch. People get turned off of Angel Tree, Shop with a Cop, alot of charitable events because so many parents that put their children last and abuse the system use it either as a way to get their kids Cmas with no expense to themselves or they sell the kids stuff. But..I always think..what if the one name left on the tree is the one that truly needs it and noone would take it for fear of those abusing the system? No child should suffer for the sins of their father so I feel alot of times people should find a good cuase that their heart is into and do a family.
Some very neat ideas this season (and any time...need doesn't have a holiday or a's everyday):
1.make homemade caps and toboggans and give to the local cancer ward
2.donate a magazine subscription to the kids wing of a hospital
3.donate to Toys for Tots, Shop with a Cop, Clothe a Child, the Salvation Army or Santa's helpers
4.donate to a military family aid (it's not just the soldiers sometimes stationed far from home..but their families too)
5.Adopt a deployed soldier. A card or a carepackage can mean the world to a soldier
6.donate to a food pantry
7.Spur your church congregation to do a food drive for the local pantry or a cap/gloves/coat drive for a kid's group
8.Spur your church or your family to do a houseslipper/robe drive for a local nursing home. Go there caroling or offer to spend some time there....the elderly often suffer from depression at the holidays
9.Pick an American Indian reservation and donate Cmas stockings filled with goodies or even basics/clothes...those needs are year round
10.donate your time or needed items to a shelter (many shelters have women and kids that are escaping a violent situation...brighten their day)
11.Pay forward your blessings and give a free cup of coffee/cocoa to the bell ringer
12.Pick up the tab when you have the extra for someone behind you in line at the drive through or the tab of an elderly person getting a few basic groceries
Showing kindness at Christmas and all year long not only makes someone else smile but it enlarges your heart.
We try every year to pick a child off the angel tree that is the same age as Kaya. We feel that teaches her how it is to be a child and not have certain things, that not all little ones have everything, that sometimes just receiving clothes is a blessing, and that life is much bigger than her Christmas List.
We found a 4 yr old little girl that wants babies, girl things and under one of her special gifts she listed...Dora Panties. I teared up. Here my child has two dressers of clothes and this small child was asking for panties as one of her special gifts. I will admit I teared up reading the card.
I grew up far from rich, a farm kid that was thankful for a Mom and Grandmas that gardened and canned, a Dad and Grandpas that raised pigs and cows and butchered. The guys hunted and put up deer. We raised rabbits to eat. I never knew a day without a meal and I never knew that our Christmas by many would be considered "lean" mainly because we were happy, we got some toys and we got clothes. Steve had far less than I had and Christmas was not always a happy time. So we have always made Kaya a priority but we have tried hard to also make her realize how very blessed she is.
I know there are some rotten apples out there that spoil the bunch. People get turned off of Angel Tree, Shop with a Cop, alot of charitable events because so many parents that put their children last and abuse the system use it either as a way to get their kids Cmas with no expense to themselves or they sell the kids stuff. But..I always think..what if the one name left on the tree is the one that truly needs it and noone would take it for fear of those abusing the system? No child should suffer for the sins of their father so I feel alot of times people should find a good cuase that their heart is into and do a family.
Some very neat ideas this season (and any time...need doesn't have a holiday or a's everyday):
1.make homemade caps and toboggans and give to the local cancer ward
2.donate a magazine subscription to the kids wing of a hospital
3.donate to Toys for Tots, Shop with a Cop, Clothe a Child, the Salvation Army or Santa's helpers
4.donate to a military family aid (it's not just the soldiers sometimes stationed far from home..but their families too)
5.Adopt a deployed soldier. A card or a carepackage can mean the world to a soldier
6.donate to a food pantry
7.Spur your church congregation to do a food drive for the local pantry or a cap/gloves/coat drive for a kid's group
8.Spur your church or your family to do a houseslipper/robe drive for a local nursing home. Go there caroling or offer to spend some time there....the elderly often suffer from depression at the holidays
9.Pick an American Indian reservation and donate Cmas stockings filled with goodies or even basics/clothes...those needs are year round
10.donate your time or needed items to a shelter (many shelters have women and kids that are escaping a violent situation...brighten their day)
11.Pay forward your blessings and give a free cup of coffee/cocoa to the bell ringer
12.Pick up the tab when you have the extra for someone behind you in line at the drive through or the tab of an elderly person getting a few basic groceries
Showing kindness at Christmas and all year long not only makes someone else smile but it enlarges your heart.
Ahhhh the sweet sound of giggles, the anxiety of waiting for the timer, and the homey smell of homemade white chocolate/chocolate chip cookies! Just one of the ways we love to kick off the holiday season at the Henderson Hacienda!
I'll admit I'm a cookie dough addict and I love homemade cookies but I'm nowhere near the cookie baker that Steve is. The man was made to make cookies lol From gourmet recipes to plain ole chocolate chip. He often assists Kaya in baking me a sweet for Valentines Day and for my bday as well as just baking together with her (LOVE that there is that bond for them).
I've always said I wanted Kaya to have the traditions that I had growing up. Learning math while giggling and measuring flour. Sneaking a chocolate chip while chatting. I grew up with some awesome cooks/bakers and some of my fondest memories is learning a recipe at my Mom's shirttail or one of my Grandma's apron strings.
I love to bake with Kaya. This year Steve treated me to two new cookie/cake pans and they work really well and have my creative ideas running! Kaya cracks me up because she knows once we have all the cookies done that I'll let her sneak a spoonful of dough (a big no no with Daddy...he's very precise on how he does things).
Love seeing her so excited and ready for the holiday. We also made a small wreath...Kaya picked the ribbon and the ornaments (santa,snowman,cmas tree and reindeer). It came out really cute and she had a blast.
Sunday, November 25, 2012
"I'm just a human being trying to make it
in a world that is very rapidly losing its understanding of being human."
in a world that is very rapidly losing its understanding of being human."
John Trudell
One of my favorite quotes by an activist that I admire for his political, environmental and charitable work. It's a quote that hits home to me. Some days I feel that people worry about their salvation as if the Bible is the only a guide book to read not follow, that think that by fostering materialism and hoarding from their fellow man that they will win, and I worry about families that turn their backs on their own.
I was raised that if you had two and someone truly needed one, you gave it up no complaints. Why would you complain? You had one, you were satisfied why keep it from someone else? Now society is beginning to turn to "Well I have two, you have none and I want one more" while their fellow man that needs a hand up does without.
Hard to believe that Thanksgiving has came and gone. Time sure has been flying lately. Kaya was bouncing off the walls waiting for "Turkey Day" so Daddy could "fry up those giant chickens". She has always called turkeys giant chickens.
The awesome weather this year was insane. You barely needed a light jacket it was so nice out. Very unusual for November especially since we had our first light snow in October! But it worked out well for Steve having to fry turkeys.
We had us three, my Mom, my Dad, my mother in law, my brother in law and a friend that my husband has known for years. Entirely too much food (lol) and a good time. Kaya helped the night before make the pumpkin pies. It's our little tradition that she gets to do well as help make the cinnamon rolls for breakfast. (A tradition my Mom started when we were little and I continue with Kaya)
I had to work 6pm to 3am Thanksgiving night. Not into the corporate greed of working families on holidays but I get VERY tired of listening to other people complain about it...then they come shop the sales. Money talks and if people avoided all sales until Friday it would change corporations minds on things. But..I also understand there are families that the tv on sale is the only item they buy their family etc and I pretty much row with the flow. I thought working Thanksgiving night would put a damper on my holiday but it didn't too bad. I still ate and had fun, enjoyed having family in just dreaded going into madness and was wore out by the time I got in bed. And 7:30 came entirely too early after going to bed at 4am. I don't see the date of sales changing after the massive crowds we had.
I have so many things to be thankful for in my life. My wonderful husband, my sweet fab daughter, my Mom that stands beside me/us no matter what, my Dad improving himself, my baby brother that hung the moon, my best friends, my friends, my family. The basics that to many are luxuries...heat, water, a roof over our heads, food in the fridge/pantry. A job, vehicles, someone that loves me/us. Life is pretty grand most days.
I can say even after working retail for soon to be 19 yrs I still love the holidays. I simply separate work and home. Why carry home the disgust I feel over how people act in public to my home? Why ruin my family time over someone else's insanity. Not happening. To see Kaya so excited over Thanksgiving...a holiday for thankfulness and food..not toys etc was the most awesome thing.
Very thankful too for Hoosier Hills Food Bank, area churches, Salvation Army and the local food pantry for feeding those in need this year. The demand has been HUGE in this area and growing every day. Every child, every family, every elderly person should be able to have a decent meal for Thanksgiving. We donate every year and I'm glad to see the community involved as well. The true meaning of Thanksgiving was the joy of surviving another year, bracing for the winter, and coming together as friends (Pilgrims and Indians) and setting aside judgement.
Hope everyone had a wonderful Turkey day and had some "giant chicken" :)
The awesome weather this year was insane. You barely needed a light jacket it was so nice out. Very unusual for November especially since we had our first light snow in October! But it worked out well for Steve having to fry turkeys.
We had us three, my Mom, my Dad, my mother in law, my brother in law and a friend that my husband has known for years. Entirely too much food (lol) and a good time. Kaya helped the night before make the pumpkin pies. It's our little tradition that she gets to do well as help make the cinnamon rolls for breakfast. (A tradition my Mom started when we were little and I continue with Kaya)
I had to work 6pm to 3am Thanksgiving night. Not into the corporate greed of working families on holidays but I get VERY tired of listening to other people complain about it...then they come shop the sales. Money talks and if people avoided all sales until Friday it would change corporations minds on things. But..I also understand there are families that the tv on sale is the only item they buy their family etc and I pretty much row with the flow. I thought working Thanksgiving night would put a damper on my holiday but it didn't too bad. I still ate and had fun, enjoyed having family in just dreaded going into madness and was wore out by the time I got in bed. And 7:30 came entirely too early after going to bed at 4am. I don't see the date of sales changing after the massive crowds we had.
I have so many things to be thankful for in my life. My wonderful husband, my sweet fab daughter, my Mom that stands beside me/us no matter what, my Dad improving himself, my baby brother that hung the moon, my best friends, my friends, my family. The basics that to many are luxuries...heat, water, a roof over our heads, food in the fridge/pantry. A job, vehicles, someone that loves me/us. Life is pretty grand most days.
I can say even after working retail for soon to be 19 yrs I still love the holidays. I simply separate work and home. Why carry home the disgust I feel over how people act in public to my home? Why ruin my family time over someone else's insanity. Not happening. To see Kaya so excited over Thanksgiving...a holiday for thankfulness and food..not toys etc was the most awesome thing.
Very thankful too for Hoosier Hills Food Bank, area churches, Salvation Army and the local food pantry for feeding those in need this year. The demand has been HUGE in this area and growing every day. Every child, every family, every elderly person should be able to have a decent meal for Thanksgiving. We donate every year and I'm glad to see the community involved as well. The true meaning of Thanksgiving was the joy of surviving another year, bracing for the winter, and coming together as friends (Pilgrims and Indians) and setting aside judgement.
Hope everyone had a wonderful Turkey day and had some "giant chicken" :)
Saturday, November 24, 2012
Our garden did awesome this year (yes this post is a bit out of order but just go with it lol) We put alot of elbow grease into raised boxes, using space wisely, building a compost box, making vegetable pot gardens and making transfer plant boxes. And it payed off nicely.
We rotated our beds and managed to have vegetables growing the whole season. Enough vegetables to share with our neighbor and our family. We planted 29 types of tomatoes, 7 types of regular peppers, 10 types of HOT peppers, broccoli, cauliflower, three types of loose lettuce, cucumbers, strawberries, gourds, pumpkins (best ones come from the wild vines from our compost box lol) three types of green beans, collard greens, greek oregano, watermelons, beets, turnips etc. I did not get enough tomatoes to make pico de gallo,salsa or juice but that was only because one curly headed 4 yr old stripped the vines constantly! She ate at least one tomato a night every night of the summer lol We did a bushel crop on broccoli and have it in the freezer for this winter. Our purple cabbage froze up nicely for soup etc this winter.
We planted corn at the edging of our vegetable pot ledge so when we watered the top layer it watered the bottom (due to the heat/drought this summer). When we watered the compost it also watered pumpkin vines and Delia flowers. It flowed pretty well. I think I planted the garlic in the wrong sign as it just did not do well.
Steve teases me about my "cult" book (farmer's almanac) but he sure referenced it alot this summer lol It works most the time and we've always used it....from weaning Kaya to when we plant etc. But I think I misread the one moon sign and that made the garlic not grow well.
People tease me about how much gardening, composting (we use the dirt it makes to resoil beds etc) etc we do but it's a great stress reducer, you know where your produce comes from and it teaches Kaya a connection to the dirt under her feet. We are by no means as sustenance as we'd like to be but we are working on it. We grew our own veggies this summer, we watch what kind of bread we buy or we bake it, we buy a cow from our cousin's 4h projects so our meat is fresh and we know how/where it was raised etc
We are both pretty big on environment things and we respect nature and I want that instilled in Kaya. I want her to know that hard work and caring for something grows juicy tomatoes. That the mulched leaves and egg shells can go in the compost instead of rotting away at a landfill. We recycle and we try to be kind to the environment.
A wife's view point of MS
MS. Two simple little letters that abbreviate a huge disease. A disease that affects everything in your life and I am not even the one that has it. Watching Steve deal with the mental, physical and emotional issues with MS is not always easy and I admire that he may have his bad days but he also stays amazingly positive and tries to not let it rule him.
People tend to think of MS as just feeling tired. It's more than that. It's expensive medical bills and anxiety to make a diagnosis. It's facing MRI's for three hours each session to pinpoint where lesions are (and will do this every year to see if anymore form). It's arranging your work schedule to make it to appointments. It's arranging your home schedule so Steve can rest but never letting him know just how much you worry while you do the chores.
It's listening to a husband that has days he worries he's a horrible father because he doesn't feel like playing on the trampoline. Or a horrible husband because this weeks shot may make him feel like crap and he'll have to cancel date night or not eat supper with the family. It's being strong and saying "Things will be ok" even when you worry whether it will be. It's watching a man that was once physically active every single waking minute, always outside and taking a break. Or pushing himself hard today to do family stuff and then having aching legs the next day.
It's dealing with drug companies that say you make too much money and after insurance want a minimum of 800 dollars for 4 shots (a month's dosage). It's dealing with an insurance company that still sees Steve's medicine (the oldest on the market and the stepping stone to other drugs he may have to take) as alternative. It's meeting your rather large family deductible, using up your health care credit and meeting your out of pocket of 10,000 (all before Oct!!) It's arranging payments on big bills like hospital stays and MRI's and coughing up decent sized chunks of money to get into the door for certain tests. It's faxing one paper to allow another paper to be faxed just so they can speak to me if Steve doesn't know the answer or feels bad that day.
It's dealing with setting up home visits from the nurse to teach us both how to do shots. It's sitting in the hospital for 3 hrs 3 times a week every six months or so for steroid drips that make Steve like a hummingbird on crack for a few days then drops him off the bottom as if he's having withdrawals and blurs his vision.
It's watching your husband dreading to push the injector on his pen shot because he's afraid he'll hit a sore spot again and bleed or worse...have leg pains. Watching him battle 102 degree fevers after taking 1600 mg of ibuprofen. Laying in bed shaking with the chills and being too dizzy to walk. Listening to the sympathetic nurse tell us to hang in there it tapers off after 2 months.
It's dealing with family that skirts the issue entirely or avoids us if it's shot time. Leaning on my Mom probably more than I should because she understands. Having family and friends think because they see us out as a family or that Steve smiles and says he's feeling ok...that everything is fine. It's family that seems to have forgotten that simply because money is tighter for a bit or we juggle around the medical issues and affects...we still have feelings and we exist. And it's being thankful for the outpouring of caring and love from my best friends and good family,from friends, and from co workers that understand more than most.
But things are getting better. Two weeks (knock on wood) with no drug effects from the shot and Steve has only been having some leg issues (other than the feeling of feeling cloudy headed that he deals with alot) Kaya doesn't think of Steve any different...Daddy just needs to rest sometimes. He does an excellent job of no matter how he feels Kaya is taken well care of all day and he always thinks of something family oriented on the weekends.
Soooo MS you are going to be only two small letters in our life. We won't let you win, we won't back down or give in.
People tend to think of MS as just feeling tired. It's more than that. It's expensive medical bills and anxiety to make a diagnosis. It's facing MRI's for three hours each session to pinpoint where lesions are (and will do this every year to see if anymore form). It's arranging your work schedule to make it to appointments. It's arranging your home schedule so Steve can rest but never letting him know just how much you worry while you do the chores.
It's listening to a husband that has days he worries he's a horrible father because he doesn't feel like playing on the trampoline. Or a horrible husband because this weeks shot may make him feel like crap and he'll have to cancel date night or not eat supper with the family. It's being strong and saying "Things will be ok" even when you worry whether it will be. It's watching a man that was once physically active every single waking minute, always outside and taking a break. Or pushing himself hard today to do family stuff and then having aching legs the next day.
It's dealing with drug companies that say you make too much money and after insurance want a minimum of 800 dollars for 4 shots (a month's dosage). It's dealing with an insurance company that still sees Steve's medicine (the oldest on the market and the stepping stone to other drugs he may have to take) as alternative. It's meeting your rather large family deductible, using up your health care credit and meeting your out of pocket of 10,000 (all before Oct!!) It's arranging payments on big bills like hospital stays and MRI's and coughing up decent sized chunks of money to get into the door for certain tests. It's faxing one paper to allow another paper to be faxed just so they can speak to me if Steve doesn't know the answer or feels bad that day.
It's dealing with setting up home visits from the nurse to teach us both how to do shots. It's sitting in the hospital for 3 hrs 3 times a week every six months or so for steroid drips that make Steve like a hummingbird on crack for a few days then drops him off the bottom as if he's having withdrawals and blurs his vision.
It's watching your husband dreading to push the injector on his pen shot because he's afraid he'll hit a sore spot again and bleed or worse...have leg pains. Watching him battle 102 degree fevers after taking 1600 mg of ibuprofen. Laying in bed shaking with the chills and being too dizzy to walk. Listening to the sympathetic nurse tell us to hang in there it tapers off after 2 months.
It's dealing with family that skirts the issue entirely or avoids us if it's shot time. Leaning on my Mom probably more than I should because she understands. Having family and friends think because they see us out as a family or that Steve smiles and says he's feeling ok...that everything is fine. It's family that seems to have forgotten that simply because money is tighter for a bit or we juggle around the medical issues and affects...we still have feelings and we exist. And it's being thankful for the outpouring of caring and love from my best friends and good family,from friends, and from co workers that understand more than most.
But things are getting better. Two weeks (knock on wood) with no drug effects from the shot and Steve has only been having some leg issues (other than the feeling of feeling cloudy headed that he deals with alot) Kaya doesn't think of Steve any different...Daddy just needs to rest sometimes. He does an excellent job of no matter how he feels Kaya is taken well care of all day and he always thinks of something family oriented on the weekends.
Soooo MS you are going to be only two small letters in our life. We won't let you win, we won't back down or give in.
To say Kaya loves Halloween is an understatement. She comes by it honestly. Steve and Jonus's fave holiday is Halloween and I love it as well. I am a huge fall person to begin with and I guess that "magic" of Halloween from childhood still lingers in me :)
We did our traditional pumpkin carving and Steve had a great time carving awesome pumpkins. They came out great.
We did our fave Halloween treats, watched our Halloween shows and just prepared for the holiday. This year Steve's family canceled their annual event so we tried to focus even more on the holiday for Kaya.
She picked her own costume..Zombie Bride...and rocked it :) She told us that she didn't want something "'s Halloween Mamma it's suppose to be FUUUNN" lol We took her trick or treating to our fave neighbor (they spoil her way too much lol) then to a few houses in the addition next to us. The next stop was Steve's cousin's church. They did trunk or treat and we really liked it. Plus it gave us a safe place to park to walk 14th st, the HUGE Halloween section in town. They decorate up and it's a busy section. We only walk half the section then called it a night. Final stops...Mimi's and Aunt Judy's for goodies then to Amanda's house. Kaya cracked us up when she saw Amanda's costume (Giant Whoopee Cushion) and had more goodies at her house.
Then home to have a few pieces of candy, take a bath and snuggle with a Halloween cartoon. I'm usually off the week of Halloween but had to juggle around my schedule due to Steve's dr apts etc. It actually worked out really well and I may do it that way again next year.
Halloween was a blast...and our sweetest little treat was Kaya
Well lots has happened
A year of catch up. Hmm that's alot of happenings.
My brother got a little leave time (7 days) but it was wonderful to see him. We've been apart alot more than together physically in the last few years. But the clock is ticking on him being home soon.
Kaya has grown in leap and bounds..literally! She's tall, perfectly portioned and healthy as a horse. Smart and beautiful. Alot of adjectives to describe our baby girl lol She retains words well, uses big words correctly and makes us laugh with some of her interesting ways of saying them. Every day is awesome and we are learning that every day may not go well but it's in how you handle it :) She's independent, strong willed and funny. Great qualities...most the time lol
Kaya turned the big 4 on June 12th. I don't know who was more thrilled with her My Pretty Pony three layer cake (complete with icing clouds, ponies and all the frills)..Kaya or my sister in laws lol I love making Kaya's cakes. We had a big party at our house complete with a cookout. It was nice to see so much family together and to have a visit from an out of state friend before the party and some friends that came to visit after the party. I've watched my babygirl go from a chubby cheek new born to an incredible 4 yr old.
Our other big thing was Steve being diagnosed with MS this year. What started out as severely tired...that we chalked up to all the outside work we had done on garden beds and the heat...ended up with Steve having very hard to understand slurred speech and unable to get out of bed for very long. Once at the ER we braced ourselves to either hear stroke or...something easily fixable. Once the catscan came back with an abnormal spot it was 3 days in the hospitals, lots of anxiety, one freaked out husband (he's NEVER been in the hospital ever) and a child that cried every night. After 3 days of barely 8 hrs sleep they let me bring Steve home. Within 2 days we had a call from Dr K to cancel our appt with him and get to Dr B as soon as possible. The abnormal vein was actually MS lesions. Every day is a new learning experience with the disease. I'll blog more on that later.
We lost Granny in Oct of 2011. One of the hardest times. My last grandparent..gone. We had to admit her to the nursing home in April due to her memory issues etc and we had spent alot of time over there making her feel at home. Kaya and Granny was VERY close. Two of the hardest things I ever had to do: Tell my daughter her Nanny was in Heaven and then contact my baby brother. I was up for nearly 54 hrs dealing with RedCross (not a big fan of their military procedures) and then the military base. He made it in the day after the funeral. It took me several months (actually it was in Feb) for me to officially go back to Granny's house. I was walking through the house, could feel the tears at the corner of my eyes, and then I found an envelope. Inside it was a valentines my grandpa had sent my Granny while he was stationed in the service during the war. It made me smile and made me think Granny was saying "its ok..I'm with Grandpa." I go back to the house from time to time and it's the same farm house...just missing the two most important grandparents. I feel the same when I go to my Mom's family farm. I have not been back in my Grandpa Roberts house since my Grandpa died.
Most of the last year or so has flew by, holidays were great (just different due to not having it at the normal place I've had it for 30 some years), and every day is something new.
Ethan is now 17, a junior and driving. Emily is almost 16, a sophomore and boys think she's cute. Makes me want to puke all around lol Sorta moving into another phase of life in that regard. One day my babies won't come up as they will be in college. But I'm very proud of them.
Lots of great times ahead in our lives and some serious decisions on several issues. Some pretty personal that takes a couple thinking it out hard, others just things to deal with and move on. Very blessed in my life and even for all the bumps..wouldn't change the year or so we've had.
My brother got a little leave time (7 days) but it was wonderful to see him. We've been apart alot more than together physically in the last few years. But the clock is ticking on him being home soon.
Kaya has grown in leap and bounds..literally! She's tall, perfectly portioned and healthy as a horse. Smart and beautiful. Alot of adjectives to describe our baby girl lol She retains words well, uses big words correctly and makes us laugh with some of her interesting ways of saying them. Every day is awesome and we are learning that every day may not go well but it's in how you handle it :) She's independent, strong willed and funny. Great qualities...most the time lol
Kaya turned the big 4 on June 12th. I don't know who was more thrilled with her My Pretty Pony three layer cake (complete with icing clouds, ponies and all the frills)..Kaya or my sister in laws lol I love making Kaya's cakes. We had a big party at our house complete with a cookout. It was nice to see so much family together and to have a visit from an out of state friend before the party and some friends that came to visit after the party. I've watched my babygirl go from a chubby cheek new born to an incredible 4 yr old.
Our other big thing was Steve being diagnosed with MS this year. What started out as severely tired...that we chalked up to all the outside work we had done on garden beds and the heat...ended up with Steve having very hard to understand slurred speech and unable to get out of bed for very long. Once at the ER we braced ourselves to either hear stroke or...something easily fixable. Once the catscan came back with an abnormal spot it was 3 days in the hospitals, lots of anxiety, one freaked out husband (he's NEVER been in the hospital ever) and a child that cried every night. After 3 days of barely 8 hrs sleep they let me bring Steve home. Within 2 days we had a call from Dr K to cancel our appt with him and get to Dr B as soon as possible. The abnormal vein was actually MS lesions. Every day is a new learning experience with the disease. I'll blog more on that later.
We lost Granny in Oct of 2011. One of the hardest times. My last grandparent..gone. We had to admit her to the nursing home in April due to her memory issues etc and we had spent alot of time over there making her feel at home. Kaya and Granny was VERY close. Two of the hardest things I ever had to do: Tell my daughter her Nanny was in Heaven and then contact my baby brother. I was up for nearly 54 hrs dealing with RedCross (not a big fan of their military procedures) and then the military base. He made it in the day after the funeral. It took me several months (actually it was in Feb) for me to officially go back to Granny's house. I was walking through the house, could feel the tears at the corner of my eyes, and then I found an envelope. Inside it was a valentines my grandpa had sent my Granny while he was stationed in the service during the war. It made me smile and made me think Granny was saying "its ok..I'm with Grandpa." I go back to the house from time to time and it's the same farm house...just missing the two most important grandparents. I feel the same when I go to my Mom's family farm. I have not been back in my Grandpa Roberts house since my Grandpa died.
Most of the last year or so has flew by, holidays were great (just different due to not having it at the normal place I've had it for 30 some years), and every day is something new.
Ethan is now 17, a junior and driving. Emily is almost 16, a sophomore and boys think she's cute. Makes me want to puke all around lol Sorta moving into another phase of life in that regard. One day my babies won't come up as they will be in college. But I'm very proud of them.
Lots of great times ahead in our lives and some serious decisions on several issues. Some pretty personal that takes a couple thinking it out hard, others just things to deal with and move on. Very blessed in my life and even for all the bumps..wouldn't change the year or so we've had.
Been excited LOL
So excited to be back to writing on the blog. I'm horrible about just sitting down and writing...and to be honest the log in and format had yeah. lol Will definately be doing a better job. My next post will be catching up the year UGGHHH lol and then onto things now :)
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