Kaya Rain

Kaya Rain
Our beautiful daughter.

Saturday, August 16, 2014

What I am....

Wrote this awhile back. Definitely how I feel about my upbringing, myself and our life. I'm thankful every day for the lessons I learned, the family I grew up with and share life with still, for my grandparents, for parents that loved me...and for a way of life that some may not always understand. I've always teased rural upbringing is different and the older I get the more I see it is. Our girl knows where her food comes from, grows it in the garden and knows family means a safe place to take your shoes off,have a meal and have a laugh. I'm thankful for family that keeps her in the fold, that loves her and the knowledge that is being passed to her :)

Some people like to talk about the royal linage back in their bloodlines or financial tycoons in the family...for me I can honestly say there is very little of that. But what I come from is dirty workboots and sweaty farm hats, lightening bugs on a warm summer night, glasses of sweet tea and tables of food, cousins laughing and enough memories to fill a book. There's not too much make up and rouge but lots of elbow grease, creativity and the ability to make a feast from little,and turn a field into profit.I come from canning jars, knowing your eggs came from the hen house and what signs to run for your garden. I came from grandparents that meant/still mean the world to us kiddos, from aunts and uncles that were second parents, from cousins that we may pick on each other but let someone else mess with one of us and the whooping starts LOL From men that talk rough but can bandage a boo boo on a kid's knee. From women that knew exactly how to be strong women and good Moms. I come from hand me down clothes and the joy of new school shoes mixed with "UGH WE GOTTA WEAR SHOES??" because we've ran barefoot all summer. You won't find too many CEOs or names that appear in the Times but you'll find the people that make my world go 'round, a group of nutballs far richer than any millionaire. You may not find mansions but you'll find more love than you could ever imagine and anyone at the house is given a plate and a seat. I come from home remedies and back wood cures, almanacs, nature telling you the weather and the fact that you should be thankful to have the luxuries of cable/running water and air conditioning. I came from the belief that you can do whatever you want to do if you work hard but remember where your roots are planted. I've always told Kaya to be proud of what she's made of and where she comes from. I sure am.
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