We decided last weekend to hit Spring Mill again..mainly because the village is up and running ,the grist mill would be going and they had decorated for fall.
Kaya was more than ready to hit the road…asking several times on the way over there if she would see “punkins” and “monsers”…she was dead set on seeing at least a “tiny lil monser”…
Once there she was very excited to see all the pumpkins lining the paths..each one carved differently. She excitedly had to open each pumpkin up..check the inside and laugh. She was particularly fond of the puking pumpkin…
The whole village had lots of fall colors,scarecrows, pumpkins and mums.
Kaya liked the scarecrows…stopping to check each one out..and to squeeze the legs of them. We have two smaller ones on our front porch..but they are different from the ones at Spring Mill…
I like this picture…lil miss Independent hiking along the trail..lol…
She stopped at each flower in the flowerbeds..smelling them and smiling. I love this picture..mainly cuase she looks soo..angelic and sweet..
It was a super fun day…I think Kaya could go there every day and find something new and exciting. We love to see the smiles on her face and hear the WOWs she exclaims as she finds something new. They had the loom going too and she had fun watching them weave.
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