Eight. Whatta a magical number. No true appearance of a beginning....or an end. A perfect number for one honey eyed girl to turn this sultry hot June!
Eight years ago ..ahh I remember that week/day/night well. I worked all week, feeling as big as a house. Let me tell you. When you are 9 months pregnant in June you don't glow...you sweat, your ankles swell and by the end of a work day you want a cup of sweet tea and no sass from anyone ;)
I took off Monday of that week, wore out from back pains on Monday. My oh so sweet husband and his partner in crime, my baby brother, decided I should ride with them in the big truck to haul off metal. "Yard gold that needs dealt with"...yeah. No baby, no contractions. Tuesday at work went well. By Wednesday at break time I was starting to feel contractions. I still laugh about telling the fill in UPS guy that if he tossed one more case of books BESIDE the pallet I had on the dock he was going to deliver my baby right then by himself. The shocked look on his face made me laugh....my comment made him put the books on the pallet ;) By Wednesday evening the ole contractions were hitting hard. I gave in and went to the hospital. Of course the nurse on duty says "Well you can stay if you want and we can give you something to help or you can go home. But come back in the morning". Ok. I may be a bit stubborn but I came back...at almost 6pm the next evening. Lecture ensued from nurses and I told them the contractions were hard and not regular. Come to find out Miss Thang was beyond ready for the show to be over and the nurse said she'd never seen such hard contractions. Fast forward to 1:11, after 8 pushes and I got to lay my eyes on the one thing that has 100% of my love...my baby girl.
Now...you are 8. Not my 9 lb 5 oz baby anymore. You are over 4 ft tall, sassy, gorgeous thick hair and honey colored eyes with those eyelashes that melt hearts. You're smart, funny, independent, quirky, and you're own person through and through. You are a tomboy in a tiara...splashing your barefeet in a mud puddle with just the right nail polish color :) You love being outside, regardless of the weather. You love to cook and bake, to make crafts, and you sewed your first full project awhile back. You like to game with your Daddy and you love card/board games. You often cannot sit still long enough to watch a movie but you're doing better. You have always been our Energizer Bunny. You've yet to meet an animal you don't love and you find the good in every person. You're brave, blunt and you stand up for what you believe in. You hope to one day be a herpetologist with the focus on snakes ( a love you share with your Daddy). You see the world as your oyster and you love to explore. You write letters to your penpals (cousins, Uncle, Uncle's gfriend), you have your own journal and you love to draw. You have corny jokes that make us laugh and I cannot think of one day in the last 8 years (minus being sick) that you are not singing or dancing. You're favorite food is a three way tie between cheese pizza, tomatoes, and broccoli and cheese. When it comes to desserts you are a cookie/cupcake kid and ice cream is always a go to. You are sharp as a tack and your school work has went well the last two years. You love documentaries and you love to hear foreign languages. You plan one day to visit France and see the view from the Eiffel Tower. You love all holidays, especially Halloween. You are a pumpkin lover to the point we often have pumpkins on the front steps till the snow falls :) You love monsters, scary stories and things that would make others jump....but you say it's all in how you see it. "All things can be wonderful. You just have to change your outlook and love a little more those things that don't seemed loved".
You, my dear...make our wild go around. So thankful to be your Mamma for 8 years.
Yes...8 is a fitting number.