March flew by. I wish I could write some amazing things we did on Spring Break but...on Sunday night K started feeling less than great by Monday morning a fever came on as well as spots all over her. Diagnosis? Strep throat and scarlatina. Soo for the week she mainly napped, watched movies and read in bed and finally ate on Thursday evening (thankful she drank plenty of liquids!!). Made for a very long week for all of us.
Just thankful that she didn't miss any school, that she ended up feeling better by the weekend and no one else in the house got her germs.
Easter fell this year in March and we did things a little differently. Normally we host Easter dinner on Easter Sunday but this year we hosted it on Saturday evening, did a lighter menu then spent Easter Sunday at my family's for a big meal and lots of cousin time. It was a great time, lots of laughs and far too much food. I can say that my family does know how to put on a good meal and I love, love, love hearing K run across the yard with her cousins laughing it up. I love having her hugged on by her Aunties and Uncles and I love catching up with my cousins and family. They think of S as one of their own and he fits right in ;)