Kaya Rain

Kaya Rain
Our beautiful daughter.

Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Interesting discussion with my English Professor....

   I've started my second course and it's English...College writing. I was nervous going into the deal because I like to write but not so much public viewed writing. This blog was a huge step for me to do simply because I am a keep to myself person on things. But I have successfully done several essays and I like the class. The teacher is another thing. I respect her as my teacher but she seems to have a hard time with me being able to describe things in detail. We had to describe a place we had visited and I chose the Navajo reservation. I've been there many times and you've ever seen the sun sink down over the rez, smelled the frybread and sage in the air and seen the gorgeous art work and jewelry...well then you know the feeling it leaves. The teacher said she had a hard time believing what I wrote came from just my head. I explained to her that I indeed did and wrote her another shorter one on the falls in Spearfish. The picture that Steve took there hangs in our front room and I used it as my inspiration for my writing. Once again she wanted to know my internet source!! I politely explained that the source was my head and the picture in my front room.
  At first I was mad. I know my own self and even when I doubt my ability I have my brother J as a backup on my writing (which he proofread my first draft, told me to close my eyes and see the place not logically but emotionally and then gave my final draft a thumbs up). Then while down home yesterday I snapped this picture and I realized something: my teacher and I don't think alike. That is where the issue is coming from. She sees a brick walk way per say..I see the hard work that went into creating it and the art it holds.

   The picture I took yesterday perfectly sums this up. Most will see nice clouds and a few trees. To me I see a little bit of heaven set right down in BFE. I see the trees I played in as a child, the way the leaves bend up indicting rain is on the way. I see the huge clouds moving across the sky, casting shadows on the pastures. I smell that fresh air smell. I hear the cows in the distances mooing, the frogs croaking. I see what is in the picture! It's easy for me to describe in detail something I love when I relax because..I appreciate it. Growing up appreciating the land under your feet, the nature you live in changes how you write, photograph and see life. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder but many never take the time to see the beauty...or the small things that make up a big picture. They instead choose to see the plain and focus on the busy.
  I have as of Thursday only three more weeks of class. I'm sticking by my guns, keeping my nose to the grindstone and I will accomplish the class. So far I have a 92% and I fully intend to do my very best. Who knows..maybe I'll even open the professors eyes to the beauty she is missing ;)

Pics from downhome

Lovely ole barn down home..

My Dad's neighbors cow and new calf...love this one...
Mamma and baby

Some black and whites I took ....

 I love black and white photos, sepia ones too. I love how the photo in black and white demands attention. You notice the bend in the tie of the dress not just that it's a "dress". It's actually my Mamma's wedding dress! I like the twisting vine picture because it showcases a rough thing..barb wire against a delicate...a vine climbing the fence. What better example of life? And the cornfield and barns in black and white....you can almost feel the wind and sun but black and white makes you use your senses not simply see it!!!

Monday, June 29, 2015

Kaya's 7 yr checkup

    Today has been a super busy day. Started the morning out with Kaya's 7 yr checkup. She is nearly 4 ft 4, weighs 87 lbs and got a complete clean bill of health. Our regular doctor was out of office so we saw a new to us one, and liked her! She commented that Kaya has muscles and you could tell she's an outdoor girl :) Kaya got good points on being an outside kid, less than 2 hrs a day of tv/ipad and for her habits. The dr was impressed she liked veggies and yogurt, fruit and milk. She also told us it was great Kaya is a water/milk drink with just an occasional pop or sweet tea. But we do have to lessen her milk consumption. The dr thinks that will help her want to eat meals at meal time better (Kaya was better during school but like her father and uncle..would rather pick around some days than just sit and eat a meal). Kaya could literally drain a cow if allowed LOL So we are going to switch to 1% to see if it helps out. Since she eats yogurt nearly daily the dr said she's doing well on calcium etc. Sooo other than feeling awkward in her paper gown..she did great LOL Hard to believe our girl is 7!!!!!
   We also had Steve's cleaning and dental check up today. After a set of xrays our dentist was amazed to find Steve has an abscess on an upper tooth. It's never gave him any pain or anything. With Steve having MS it creates an even more serious issue. Infection can increase MS symptoms etc. The dentist is going to review all the xrays, call Steve's neuro for questions and then after insurance estimates costs we'll take it from there. Infection is bad anytime but it worries me with Steve. Especially since he spiked a high fever for no reason this winter. It may have been linked.
   Also was thankful today for my Dad coming up and fixing our mower...payment was a bowl of homemade potato salad and a burger lol Steve had got most the pins out himself...but his hands just don't allow him to grasp like he use to. I couldn't do it all by myself. So Dad helped out. Very thankful for that. Plus Kaya enjoyed the day visiting with Pappaw :)

Sunday, June 21, 2015

Father's Day

    Debated back and forth what to do for Father's Day. Kaya said it was Daddy's Day so he got to pick. After lots of discussion on the front porch Steve teasingly said we'd just have to go to Florida for the day. Kaya immediately said "If that is what Daddy wants, then that is what we will do". Finally got her to understand Steve was teasing and there is no way to go to Florida and back by 4:30 today!!!
    Instead we headed to our fave Mom and Pop diner for a late lunch. To be honest it was perfect. Kaya's mouth going a mile a minute, down home diner with good food, Steve's face smiling over his dang catfish sandwich and me happy with a side of cucumbers and vinegar (I do say though that regular ole vinegar is better than sweet vinegar any day!!). We enjoyed the day and it was just one of those "in the moment" times.
   Steve said he had an awesome Father's day and that is all that matters. We also of course wished my father a Happy Father's Day. We had him up the weekend before to celebrate.

Some pics of around here

    We love to travel but sometimes beauty is in your own little corner of the world.  Thankful for a husband that likes long car rides, photos and being together. For a kiddo that reminds us that the things we see everyday...hold such beauty.

Saturday, June 20, 2015

Another baby shower lol

  Another baby shower! Steve's baby sis is expecting blessing number 4 and we celebrated on Saturday with a baby shower. My sis in law is a special lady that I love a lot..and we are super excited for the new baby coming! We provided a veggie tray, Mexican layer dip and summer pasta salad while Steve's other sisters did the cake, punch, ice cream etc. Had a good turnout and she got several nice things. With her other kids being 10, 7, and 6...she didn't have as much of her baby stuff. This will be number 10 for us in the niece/nephew dept and we love it.

Friday, June 19, 2015


Rain, rain and rain. Our drainage ditches are running over and flowing hard! Very thankful for them though because I'd hate to see what our yard would look like without them!!!

Haven't said much but I've went back to college

       I've not said much about it on here but I have went to college. I can't say back to school I guess because I never started lol but I am now attending school online. I picked a college that had a solid online course work for a degree....one that the online degree meets certification just the same as a traditional degree. That was important to me because I didn't want a degree that was "fluff" compared to a traditional one. I just finished up my first class with a 97.46 (an A!!) and it slates that class at a 4.0! To say I'm excited is an understatement!
   Steve and Kaya have been a great encouragement as well as my online buddies, coworkers, family and friends.
   I juggle school after I get Kaya in bed in the evening and on weekends before the house is up and going since I get up early.
  When I attain this degree I'll have my associates in General Studies with an emphasis on philosophy/environment/law. I'm using that to get into the Political Science program with an emphasis on law/environment.
   My first big essay was on Deportation Laws and the USA. I nailed a 48 out of 50 and then a 50 out of 50 on my essay on Ecology vs Economy. I start College Writing this 6 weeks.
  I can say it's fast paced and keeps me thinking. I've had my stressful moments with APA format on essays. I've had 6 family get togethers in 3 weeks to juggle around school, full time work, full time Mom and wife as well as dealing with some rough MS days with Steve. We garden and do all that stuff. But...I'm proud of myself and my little family for truckin' along :)

Sunday, June 14, 2015

The garden is growing ..growing...growing... :)

 The green beans twisting up their new lattice home. Steve did an awesome job making me new lattice runs!! :)
Our voodoo plant...working it's stinky magic lol

Seeing our first little green tomatoes...jewels in our eyes :)

Saturday, June 13, 2015

7th bday party fun

 The heat or the weather always kills us on Kaya's bday. It either rains or is so hot you would melt. We normally do bdays at home but this year we rented an air-conditioned shelter house and when temps hit almost 90 and muggy...yep we were thankful we did!!  Kaya chose the theme Frozen this year and it came together wonderfully! She helped decorate her cake, make snowflake candy and we put out cookies, chips, pretzels, goodies for the kiddos, homemade punch (We went through NINE gallons of it!!), antipasto, summer pasta salad, Mexican layer dip and hotdogs. Sweet tea too of course. Family and friends all came in, Kaya got many nice things but said at the end "The best part was having my family all here!!" We consider that a successful party!!

Friday, June 12, 2015

Kaya's big day....she turns 7!!!!

   Well 7 years ago today I gave birth to a 9lb 5 oz bundle of joy that has became a little lady...most days ;)
  She's taught me to be humble, exactly what patience is, to see the beauty in the small things and the things others overlook...and she's taught me exactly how it feels to have your heart running around on two legs. Scarily similar yet different...we grow together and learn. She's taught me that I am perfect FOR HER...and I've learned that there is no such thing as a book perfect Mamma. She's the apple of her Daddy's eye and even though they butt heads at times...he's her world and her his!
  We go later in June for her 7 yr check up on weight and height but I can tell you she's not shorty!! She's all legs, curls...and sometimes mouth ;)
  Fave color: pink and purple
Fave holiday: tie between Halloween and Christmas
Fave saying "Just sayin'
Fave food: she's a serious smoky link eater and if she picks the meal it's steak, mash potatoes and gravy! Her other request at meal time is for broccoli and cheese.
Fave fruit: strawberries and pineapple
Fave veggie: mash potatoes and corn
Fave drink: milk and water.
Fave dessert: cookies
Fave book: "There once was a woman that swallowed a fly" and "Three little pigs"
Fave hobby: Anything outside or in the water
Fave pets :all of them!!!
   She loves anything spooky, Monster high and fun. She's our tomboy in a tiara and you'll find her digging in the dirt barefooted most afternoons. She wants to become an artist and a veterinarian.
  My life sure changed 7 years ago and I can't complain :)

Saturday, June 6, 2015

Busy day...babyshower then a graduation party!

 Kaya and I started the day off with a girl's only babyshower for Steve's cousin that is due in August. We honestly had a good time even though we couldn't stay to the end. I won't lie...after things in the last month or so it had me on eggshells a bit but it all went great.
  Then we picked up Steve and headed to BFE lol downhome for a graduation party/bday party hog roast for Emily D! They roasted a hog, 3 turkeys and sat out a table with homemade bake beans, mac n cheese and a baked potato bar. A kid's swimming pool stocked with ice held the cold pasta salads and salads. Then there was cake, ice cream and awesome punch. Corn hole was played, everyone had a blast and Kaya loved Trendyll taking her around on the golf cart. She also got to see the kid's goats which she loves LOL
   Hard to believe my Emily is now a high school grad and on her way to college this fall!!!