Almost 10 yrs ago in Oct I got brave and asked out the nice looking guy working a few depts over from me. He had a sweet smile, gorgeous eyes and we had talked quite a bit but he had never asked me out. So I got brave and asked him out lol and we've been together ever since (he says he knew I was going to ask him so why should he do all the work?? LOL)
7 yrs ago today I woke up to a rainy cool morning and a floor full of kiddos (cousins and soon to be niece that were going to be in our wedding) The rain gave way to a breezy sunny day that was perfect for an outdoor ceremony full of family and friends. I've always heard if it rains on your wedding day you'll be blessed with good luck. I sure have :) One part of our vows was a Native American blessing about being each other's shelter from the storm...and we have been.
I still remember how nervous Steve was in Spearfish South Dakota that evening when he asked me to marry him. I have always laughed and said I knew something was up when he wore a shirt with a collar to supper ;) I still remember his face when I came down the aisle. And still to this day he can shoot me that little grin of his and I still get butterflies. I have often stopped and wondered what I did so awesome to be this blessed!
We never thought 7 yrs ago we'd be sitting in the neurologist office on our anniversary discussing how MS meds were working and MS symptoms. But life has a funny way of throwing curves into the best layed plans...either you learn to maneuver those curves or you crash!
Sitting in that office on our anniversary made me think about how true those vows were we took 7 yrs ago. To love and cherish, to be together in sickness and health, rich or poor. How life ebbs and flows and you either find your groove or you sink. When I put that band on his finger I knew life might have some bumps..but I never thought I'd be sitting in a hospital room at midnight holding a crying man's hand because they thought he had a serious stroke..not just 5 yrs into our marriage give or take. Or that I'd exhaustedly climb into bed that night and the next with a crying toddler that just wanted her Daddy NOW. But we made it through that bump, and we've made it through every one since. Those little bands on our hands are merely a symbol of our life together...our bond and our hearts ..that is where the "marriage where two becomes one" is.
We have each other backs no matter what, we've navigated some tricky family waters, we've learned each other's pushing points and what sets us off, we've learned how to step back and regroup..and we will constantly be learning new things together. I've learned in 7 yrs that I do have the strength to do anything and to do it alone if I need to..but I'm thankful I don't HAVE to. I've learned to not be so hard headed and to let Steve help me, to break down some emotional walls I've always held up and to trust 100% Steve. In turn I think he has learned a few things from me. Together we've learned that MS is a diagnosis not our life, we've learned that we are two different people that see things differently but we come together to make this awesome team, and that everything we do trickles down to our daughter.
Yes, we have some hard times coming up...kindergarten roundup looms ahead then actual school. More drs appts. What may or may not progress and happen with his disease. Whether we want to expand our family. But everyone else no matter what the notations are in Steve's medical files ..we are just trying to figure out life. Most importantly we are truly happy and we fall in love all over again every single day. We take nothing for granted. If we disagree we try to settle it and move is too short to hold onto anger.
And from 7 yrs together we've created the one true miracle that noone else can claim..Kaya.'s to a hundred more years (I hear Steve mock groaning now lmbo) of love, life and happiness :)
This is about day to day life with Kaya our baby girl she's now 8 and growing way too fast!! we will post new pictures and blogs as often as possible.
Kaya Rain

Our beautiful daughter.
Monday, March 31, 2014
Saturday, March 29, 2014
Our anniversary evening out
Rare occurrence here at the Hacienda to have an evening out childless lol but since our anniversary this year is on a Monday and the same day as Steve's neurological checkup we decided to go out Saturday night.
Believe me, Kaya did her best to make us think otherwise. "Can you just get take out?" "You know I love you guys so much" "You're going out for PIZZA?? Seriously I'm not all about pizza!" "Daddy probably would rather stay in since it's cold and wet out"
Nice try my dear but your plans failed lol and we had a wonderful time. We went to Chicago Pizza...very good and we had never been. Killer breadsticks. It was nice to just sit and talk. We talked gardens, Kaya's upcoming kindergarten roundup and schooling, weather, just talked. No interruptions, no "I'm tired of waiting on pizza"...just us time. I once told Kaya she'd faint if she was like some kids that were ushered off to a babysitter every weekend or left with her Mammaw all the time lol but I do think sometimes we need just adult time. It gives her time away from us and it gives us time to regroup on what is going on in life.
After supper we headed to JC Penny's to check out the sale and snagged some new pillows. Then followed up with a trip to Lowe's for pins for the tiller and to just browse.
Sure, may not have sounded like a whirlwind super romantic date but we've come to realize in our almost 7 yrs of marriage and almost 10 yrs together..romance is what you make it :) Just slipping my hand into his and walking down a store aisle is romantic to us, knowing he is designing the layout of a garden full of veggies when most of them gross him out lol just because me and Kaya want romantic.
Believe me, Kaya did her best to make us think otherwise. "Can you just get take out?" "You know I love you guys so much" "You're going out for PIZZA?? Seriously I'm not all about pizza!" "Daddy probably would rather stay in since it's cold and wet out"
Nice try my dear but your plans failed lol and we had a wonderful time. We went to Chicago Pizza...very good and we had never been. Killer breadsticks. It was nice to just sit and talk. We talked gardens, Kaya's upcoming kindergarten roundup and schooling, weather, just talked. No interruptions, no "I'm tired of waiting on pizza"...just us time. I once told Kaya she'd faint if she was like some kids that were ushered off to a babysitter every weekend or left with her Mammaw all the time lol but I do think sometimes we need just adult time. It gives her time away from us and it gives us time to regroup on what is going on in life.
After supper we headed to JC Penny's to check out the sale and snagged some new pillows. Then followed up with a trip to Lowe's for pins for the tiller and to just browse.
Sure, may not have sounded like a whirlwind super romantic date but we've come to realize in our almost 7 yrs of marriage and almost 10 yrs together..romance is what you make it :) Just slipping my hand into his and walking down a store aisle is romantic to us, knowing he is designing the layout of a garden full of veggies when most of them gross him out lol just because me and Kaya want romantic.
Saturday, March 22, 2014
We decided this year for Steve's bday to have his family in for a fish/chicken fry and to also celebrate our nieces belated bday that day. Steve has a big family, lots of siblings and it always makes for a fun time. So we told everyone we'd provide the bday cake, homemade biscuits, drinks and fish/chicken...and everyone to bring a dish and a chair and have some fun :)
There was 33 of us and it went from 2pm to almost 7pm and was a blast. We also had our two best friends and their families so it was nice to catch up.
We went through 5lbs of chicken tenders and almost 10 lbs of catfish cut up filets!! But a great time was had. Kaya had a ball playing with all the kids...8 of our 9 nieces and nephews made it. Just a great afternoon and though the wind was a bit chilly it went off great :)
Steve has a neuro apt coming up on the 31st of this month and I know even when it's just a checkup it makes him I thought having his family in would rally his support too.
We talked about it after everyone left and we cleaned up just how nice it was. So we've decided every year once the weather gets nice we are doing a fish/chicken fry pitch in. Even if it's not on his bday we just want the family to get together. Sometimes you just have to put in the elbow grease to make it happen and when you have a split family it's nice to just have one big get together and everyone have a ball.
There was 33 of us and it went from 2pm to almost 7pm and was a blast. We also had our two best friends and their families so it was nice to catch up.
We went through 5lbs of chicken tenders and almost 10 lbs of catfish cut up filets!! But a great time was had. Kaya had a ball playing with all the kids...8 of our 9 nieces and nephews made it. Just a great afternoon and though the wind was a bit chilly it went off great :)
Steve has a neuro apt coming up on the 31st of this month and I know even when it's just a checkup it makes him I thought having his family in would rally his support too.
We talked about it after everyone left and we cleaned up just how nice it was. So we've decided every year once the weather gets nice we are doing a fish/chicken fry pitch in. Even if it's not on his bday we just want the family to get together. Sometimes you just have to put in the elbow grease to make it happen and when you have a split family it's nice to just have one big get together and everyone have a ball.
Thursday, March 20, 2014
Having eyes for..
Another blogger I read often had posted on her page about having and keeping appreciative eyes for your spouse. I LOVED the post. I think when you are first married you often notice every single "new" thing about your spouse and life is fresh and exciting. Then you settle into your home, your routine, your life..then a child or children come along and life becomes even more settled in and at times you think your marriage has lost it's romance or spark..when in reality we've come to let ourselves believe that you have to have romance 24/7 and that you should never have to "create it" should just happen. Marriage is a job like anything else and has to be worked on daily and maintained. Like the blogger said maybe it doesn't sound romantic to say it but sometimes you have to let yourself breathe, step back and refocus and find your appreciative eyes for your spouse.
I try to always have appreciative eyes for my hubby but lets admit it. We are normal humans and after the tenth time of finding a chip bowl by the computer or socks tossed under the bed...we don't feel romantic lmbo and we sure don't want to see our spouses stellar points LOL
But when I step back and look at Steve I see how lucky I am. I see a man that always puts me and his daughter first. Who even on a bad day will be up for anything if it's us 3 together. I see strong arms that hug me tight and lift Kaya up into the air. I see the ring that I put on his finger..and my heart will still skip a beat to this day when I think of how his face looked when I came down the aisle. I remember the vows we took to stand beside each other in sickness and health, for better or worse. I see the man that built me my garden beds simply because he knew I wanted it. Who never forgets to bake a cookie cake with Kaya for my bday , Valentines Day and for Mother's day. I see the man who when my cousin had her very first mother's day and her husband "forgot" to get her hubby baked her her own cake and took it to her at work. I remember his words "Every Mom should get something special for Mother's Day." I see a man that when my Dad had a hard time ..Steve never gave up on him and used some tough love but is happy to say they are friends today. And I know that one thing that helped my Dad was Steve being there for him. I see a man that appreciates and respects my Mom and would do anything for her. Who thought of my grandparents as his own and loved them as such. A man that will do the dishes but always leaves the silverware lol that will do the laundry but forgets to toss it in the dryer ;) least he does those things!!
I look at my husband and he gives me that quirky smile I love and I think how very lucky I am. Here is a man that had a rough childhood, a rough start in life and could be a totally different man...but he chose to change what he came out of, to change his life and I was the lucky girl that crossed his path and became his wife.
So maybe sometimes we need to look at our spouses, and them look at us, with honest eyes. Not with love struck newlywed eyes but with appreciative mature eyes that sees all the things that create the life we love <3
I try to always have appreciative eyes for my hubby but lets admit it. We are normal humans and after the tenth time of finding a chip bowl by the computer or socks tossed under the bed...we don't feel romantic lmbo and we sure don't want to see our spouses stellar points LOL
But when I step back and look at Steve I see how lucky I am. I see a man that always puts me and his daughter first. Who even on a bad day will be up for anything if it's us 3 together. I see strong arms that hug me tight and lift Kaya up into the air. I see the ring that I put on his finger..and my heart will still skip a beat to this day when I think of how his face looked when I came down the aisle. I remember the vows we took to stand beside each other in sickness and health, for better or worse. I see the man that built me my garden beds simply because he knew I wanted it. Who never forgets to bake a cookie cake with Kaya for my bday , Valentines Day and for Mother's day. I see the man who when my cousin had her very first mother's day and her husband "forgot" to get her hubby baked her her own cake and took it to her at work. I remember his words "Every Mom should get something special for Mother's Day." I see a man that when my Dad had a hard time ..Steve never gave up on him and used some tough love but is happy to say they are friends today. And I know that one thing that helped my Dad was Steve being there for him. I see a man that appreciates and respects my Mom and would do anything for her. Who thought of my grandparents as his own and loved them as such. A man that will do the dishes but always leaves the silverware lol that will do the laundry but forgets to toss it in the dryer ;) least he does those things!!
I look at my husband and he gives me that quirky smile I love and I think how very lucky I am. Here is a man that had a rough childhood, a rough start in life and could be a totally different man...but he chose to change what he came out of, to change his life and I was the lucky girl that crossed his path and became his wife.
So maybe sometimes we need to look at our spouses, and them look at us, with honest eyes. Not with love struck newlywed eyes but with appreciative mature eyes that sees all the things that create the life we love <3
Sunday, March 16, 2014
Sunday...last day of vacation
Well today is the last day of vacation. Sure has been a good one. Weather was pretty decent and we got in some awesome play time. Every day we did things together and that is what makes the best vacation. Unfortunately Steve had some rough days while I was off...but at least I was off to be with him. He pushed it too hard the first of the week and by late Wednesday night was running a low grade fever and feeling like crap. By Friday he was just wore out completely and resting ALOT. We checked the MS website and it said if his symptoms last for over 24 to 48 hrs and worsened...he might be relapsing. Just typing those words choke me up. I push fear a lot of times to the back of my head due to I cannot let it ever take over. But I also stay positive. Thankfully his symptoms eased up in that time frame and by Sunday he was more his old self. The site also said a fever can spike symptoms and we think that combined with the weather and overdoing it early on...just got him wore out.
So thankful on Sunday he was more his cheerful self and up and going. We have a family get together next weekend then his neuro checkup..then kindergarten round up on April 2nd. Busy time ahead.
So thankful on Sunday he was more his cheerful self and up and going. We have a family get together next weekend then his neuro checkup..then kindergarten round up on April 2nd. Busy time ahead.
Thursday, March 13, 2014
Wednesday and Thursday...redo the bathroom
Bathroom before...3 pictures. Walls were a very pale almost washed out looking lavender. Liked the color but wanted something different that would pop with our wood ceiling and trim in there. Also the bathroom vanity cabinet was showing some age on it (wear) so wanted to make it look different. Below are the after pictures :)
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New color on walls |
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Sign Steve made :) |
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Above the door leaving the bathroom..these sayings are us to a tee!! |
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New face plates. Thought the vine design went good with the country theme and the color of the walls |
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Steve took an old wooden toolbox, turned it upside down and made me a shelf. |
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Sink area after |
Tuesday, March 11, 2014 busy day!!
Day 2 of vacation and the weather is awesome!! Suppose to hit 72 today with lots of sun so outside is on our agenda :)
Got catfish from our fave Mom and Pop diner ordered for our upcoming fish fry, we'll pick it up on Friday. Steve was VERY happy they sold us a case at wholesale price :) What runs about 5 bucks a lb at the store we got for roughly 2.50 a lb. No problem either with it being a 15lb case because Kaya and Steve are huge fish eaters and we'll use a good chunk for the fish/chicken fry we are having for Steve's bday (and to sorta get the family together before Steve's next neuro visit on the 31st).
Took off and went a few towns over to the meat locker and stocked up on some meat. We love that they butcher right there and there is no processed, shipped to a store meat. Of course we also had to get Amish peanut butter spread (for me), Blackberry jam (for Kaya) and Carmel Corn pops (for Steve). While there we walked across the road to the donut place and each picked out a fresh made donut for later.
Cut back the back way and stopped and grabbed sandwiches and spent the day at the playground in the State forest. Kaya LOVED it, the weather was nice and animals were out. Squirrels and birds were enjoying the day too. Kaya also loves going to the pond at the State Forest and walking the hiking paths. We didn't hike much due to Steve's legs have been tired the last couple weeks.
Home to more outside play while Steve and I took apart the brooder house, stacked pallets and cleaned out the fryers. Then we cleaned out the garage and swept it out. Looks huge lol now. I also wiped down my fridge/freezer and deep freeze out there and the exercise machines just from the dust that seems to gather.
Quick trip to the hardware store and we got new pulls for the bathroom drawers (I'm changing it up in there), paint (I'm going dark eucalyptus green.....should go great with my Homespun country shower valance and window valance). Thinking too I might stain darker my vanity in there. Not sure yet.
Worked the compost down with the stuff from the brooder house and spend the rest of the evening outside! Weather is simply perfect and Kaya has ran her legs off today. She finally came in late in the evening, red cheeked from running, swinging and jumping on the trampoline and said "I think I'll lay under the fan for a few" LOL Told her I was glad she enjoyed today because wind, rain and snow are predicted !!! for tomorrow. The weather has been a bipolar tease lately!
Wrapped up the evening with me and Steve watching the new Hunger Games movie (Liked it) and relaxing.
I was worried when we worked in the garage because Steve pulled a chair up, sat down and put his head in his hands. Those actions can make me feel very nervous because nearly 2 yrs ago...yeah. It was 2 yrs ago April he started with nearly that first reaction and that scared part of me always feels nervous when I see him do those things. Silly I know but if you've had a loved one in that situation you know what I mean. I know we are in that band where a relapse could happen but with MS you just never know. He could have one tomorrow, never have one for another 40 just don't know. I do know when he went to bed straight after the movie and didn't move all night..he was exhausted. But we stay positive and think positive and usually after a good rest he's back and going. I always tell him we don't have to push push push or we can take a break...but he's hardheaded and said he's not always going to give in to the disease. He has learned to sit down for a few and that helps a lot.
Got catfish from our fave Mom and Pop diner ordered for our upcoming fish fry, we'll pick it up on Friday. Steve was VERY happy they sold us a case at wholesale price :) What runs about 5 bucks a lb at the store we got for roughly 2.50 a lb. No problem either with it being a 15lb case because Kaya and Steve are huge fish eaters and we'll use a good chunk for the fish/chicken fry we are having for Steve's bday (and to sorta get the family together before Steve's next neuro visit on the 31st).
Took off and went a few towns over to the meat locker and stocked up on some meat. We love that they butcher right there and there is no processed, shipped to a store meat. Of course we also had to get Amish peanut butter spread (for me), Blackberry jam (for Kaya) and Carmel Corn pops (for Steve). While there we walked across the road to the donut place and each picked out a fresh made donut for later.
Cut back the back way and stopped and grabbed sandwiches and spent the day at the playground in the State forest. Kaya LOVED it, the weather was nice and animals were out. Squirrels and birds were enjoying the day too. Kaya also loves going to the pond at the State Forest and walking the hiking paths. We didn't hike much due to Steve's legs have been tired the last couple weeks.
Home to more outside play while Steve and I took apart the brooder house, stacked pallets and cleaned out the fryers. Then we cleaned out the garage and swept it out. Looks huge lol now. I also wiped down my fridge/freezer and deep freeze out there and the exercise machines just from the dust that seems to gather.
Quick trip to the hardware store and we got new pulls for the bathroom drawers (I'm changing it up in there), paint (I'm going dark eucalyptus green.....should go great with my Homespun country shower valance and window valance). Thinking too I might stain darker my vanity in there. Not sure yet.
Worked the compost down with the stuff from the brooder house and spend the rest of the evening outside! Weather is simply perfect and Kaya has ran her legs off today. She finally came in late in the evening, red cheeked from running, swinging and jumping on the trampoline and said "I think I'll lay under the fan for a few" LOL Told her I was glad she enjoyed today because wind, rain and snow are predicted !!! for tomorrow. The weather has been a bipolar tease lately!
Wrapped up the evening with me and Steve watching the new Hunger Games movie (Liked it) and relaxing.
I was worried when we worked in the garage because Steve pulled a chair up, sat down and put his head in his hands. Those actions can make me feel very nervous because nearly 2 yrs ago...yeah. It was 2 yrs ago April he started with nearly that first reaction and that scared part of me always feels nervous when I see him do those things. Silly I know but if you've had a loved one in that situation you know what I mean. I know we are in that band where a relapse could happen but with MS you just never know. He could have one tomorrow, never have one for another 40 just don't know. I do know when he went to bed straight after the movie and didn't move all night..he was exhausted. But we stay positive and think positive and usually after a good rest he's back and going. I always tell him we don't have to push push push or we can take a break...but he's hardheaded and said he's not always going to give in to the disease. He has learned to sit down for a few and that helps a lot.
Monday, March 10, 2014
Our chicks are not little chicks anymore. Time to come out of the smaller brooder house and into their new home. Cold weather has broke (a little more slated for Wednesday but not a huge deal). My Dad offered to let us use his old storage shed and convert it into a chicken house. That way this round of chickens can get out and explore now and then once our chicken house is built we can have our own here. Decided today's weather was too good to pass up. Sooooo loaded a picnic lunch, a blanket, fencing/fence posts and well as Miss Kaya lol and headed to my Dad's for the day to build the chicken run.
Run went really well. Dad and Steve put in the fence posts and connected the wire while I helped stretch it. Kaya even put a fence post in ;) She was not happy at first of her babies leaving our property but then after she realized that it meant new chicks here AND chickens at Pappaws...she was all for it lol
We enjoyed an all day visit at Dad's and got lots done. We picked up an extra bag of laying feed for him to have. We'll split the eggs in payment for him feeding/watering them during the week. He said that was a fair deal and he was happy to have some critters on the farm :) Kaya informed him that she sings to them DAILY and he should probably just put a radio down there for them lol
They are sweet chickens. When we loaded them Steve figured we would have a fight on our hands. Nope, hens came right to me and politely went in the carrier. The rooster even put his head on my shoulder and snuggled up. Steve was laughing and saying "Seriously??" Granted it's the same rooster I took care of when he was sick so I guess he likes me. He will crow EVERY time he sees Steve but is silent with me and Kaya lol
So Nugget (rooster), Rose (has reddish on neck,hen) and Sardine (no red, hen) like their new home!!
The three stooges as baby chicks :) and how they look now:
Kaya sure is proud of her chickens and as you can tell they are pretty docile, sweet chickens.
Run went really well. Dad and Steve put in the fence posts and connected the wire while I helped stretch it. Kaya even put a fence post in ;) She was not happy at first of her babies leaving our property but then after she realized that it meant new chicks here AND chickens at Pappaws...she was all for it lol
We enjoyed an all day visit at Dad's and got lots done. We picked up an extra bag of laying feed for him to have. We'll split the eggs in payment for him feeding/watering them during the week. He said that was a fair deal and he was happy to have some critters on the farm :) Kaya informed him that she sings to them DAILY and he should probably just put a radio down there for them lol
They are sweet chickens. When we loaded them Steve figured we would have a fight on our hands. Nope, hens came right to me and politely went in the carrier. The rooster even put his head on my shoulder and snuggled up. Steve was laughing and saying "Seriously??" Granted it's the same rooster I took care of when he was sick so I guess he likes me. He will crow EVERY time he sees Steve but is silent with me and Kaya lol
So Nugget (rooster), Rose (has reddish on neck,hen) and Sardine (no red, hen) like their new home!!
The three stooges as baby chicks :) and how they look now:
Kaya sure is proud of her chickens and as you can tell they are pretty docile, sweet chickens.
Sunday, March 9, 2014
I made it!!!!!!!!!!
I made it :) Seven days straight done and over...and time for vacation. Kaya told me last night "Mamma, I know one more day. I'm countin it down" :) So as soon as I clocked out this afternoon it was straight home to see our sweet niece that stopped in for a visit (love her smiling face). She's growing up so fast. Already 13 and pretty as a picture. Kaya LOVED having her visit for the day. Then just relaxing and getting ready for the week :)
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