Decided on Sunday that I could feel the funk coming on. That blah feeling of bad mood mixed with edgyness because Monday was the first day back after vacation. Steve could sense it (was it the quick responses, the faces I was making, the tears that kept edging up?? lol) and decided we needed to just go for a drive.
So we took off to the river to see the leaves changing, enjoy the peace and quiet then cut back a back road to a friend's house to check out her chicken coop and visit. Kaya loved all her special breed chickens (and I can admit they are gorgeous well behaved creatures) and the chicken house. We visited the covered bridge and we took a walk from the shut off road all the way to the new road and it was really a nice time.
Vacation as a whole was awesome. Lots done, persimmon pulp put up, garden beds readied for winter,and lots of just us time. I loved it.
Only sad part was going to pay our respects to very dear family friends (honestly more family than friends in feelings) who lost their grandma/Mom. I know that raw heartache and I feel for them ..that day and every day. At holidays and special moments. Even in the tiny insignificant times when memories, a smell, a photo or a moment will make them think of her. I often wish I had the magic words to make moments like that ok...but I suppose hugs and lots of thoughts is all one can do.
It also reminds us to live life well, with lots of love, and cherish every moment...for nothing is guaranteed or planned. Whether we are 40 or some point our time will be up. Say I love you when you can, move on from fights and hold tight those people you love.
I wish vacation would have lasted longer but I'm thankful to have any. Some people don't get that luxury. I love all the times I have with my little family.
And as Kaya said Sunday evening "I know Mamma, I know. Tomorrow is Monday. But we'll survive....right?!!" :)
This is about day to day life with Kaya our baby girl she's now 8 and growing way too fast!! we will post new pictures and blogs as often as possible.
Kaya Rain

Our beautiful daughter.
Thursday, October 31, 2013
Thursday, October 24, 2013
Our first day of snow and sleet..
Today is my Mom's bday and Kaya said it was marked with "awesome snow flakes" and some sleet. Nothing stuck or got too slick but I'm afraid winter has started a tad bit early.
We were going to enjoy our Thursday evening with the fire pit and a big pot of homemade hot chocolate (Steve makes the best homemade hot chocolate..complete with a lil cinnamon and cayenne pepper!!) but the wind decided otherwise. Barely up to 40 all day, damp and a cutting wind that even Kaya said "made my eyes cold" ...we nixed the fire pit idea and may try again tomorrow evening. Instead we kept the pot of hot chocolate idea lol and it was tasty!
Had my mother in law over for supper and it was nice. I made a big pot of homemade chicken and dumplings, a loaf of homemade white bread and then for dessert Kaya made a cherry pie with ghost and witches hats cut out of pie crust. I make my own pie crust alot and Kaya likes rolling it out. I often let her cut shapes out for the pie topping, sprinkle a little sugar over it and bake it. She made this one for her Grandma W's bday :)
My Mom loves scary movies and books and it is October so Kaya decided this is what she needed for her bday..came out pretty good even though I forgot whip topping lol
Today was mainly a day of paying bills, getting house stuff and running to the feed store. We didn't get much done around here but a day down is nice :) Cozying in for the evening and relaxing is the main thing on the agenda.
We were going to enjoy our Thursday evening with the fire pit and a big pot of homemade hot chocolate (Steve makes the best homemade hot chocolate..complete with a lil cinnamon and cayenne pepper!!) but the wind decided otherwise. Barely up to 40 all day, damp and a cutting wind that even Kaya said "made my eyes cold" ...we nixed the fire pit idea and may try again tomorrow evening. Instead we kept the pot of hot chocolate idea lol and it was tasty!
Had my mother in law over for supper and it was nice. I made a big pot of homemade chicken and dumplings, a loaf of homemade white bread and then for dessert Kaya made a cherry pie with ghost and witches hats cut out of pie crust. I make my own pie crust alot and Kaya likes rolling it out. I often let her cut shapes out for the pie topping, sprinkle a little sugar over it and bake it. She made this one for her Grandma W's bday :)
My Mom loves scary movies and books and it is October so Kaya decided this is what she needed for her bday..came out pretty good even though I forgot whip topping lol
Today was mainly a day of paying bills, getting house stuff and running to the feed store. We didn't get much done around here but a day down is nice :) Cozying in for the evening and relaxing is the main thing on the agenda.
Wednesday, October 23, 2013
Yesterday morning I read a beautiful blog post about simplicity. I think with everything we've had going on, how we live a much more simple life than some we know,...the blog just hit the spot. The excerpt that got me was this :
That's what the simple life is. It's a life not cluttered up with filler but filled with what counts. It's having time and space to live. It's not about wide open as in the country but wide open in your spirit. It's about having room to let life happen because it's going to happen.
The simple life isn't the mystery we make of it. It's available to all of us in some form or the other.
We just have to stop dreaming about it, talking about and wishing for it and live it.
Simplicity isn't a matter of location or time in history and it doesn't mean easy. Most things worth having aren't easy.
Simplicity, it starts and ends in the heart."
That's what the simple life is. It's a life not cluttered up with filler but filled with what counts. It's having time and space to live. It's not about wide open as in the country but wide open in your spirit. It's about having room to let life happen because it's going to happen.
The simple life isn't the mystery we make of it. It's available to all of us in some form or the other.
We just have to stop dreaming about it, talking about and wishing for it and live it.
Simplicity isn't a matter of location or time in history and it doesn't mean easy. Most things worth having aren't easy.
Simplicity, it starts and ends in the heart."
It hit the nail on the head beautifully. It's exactly how we live our life, try to live our life, and how we want Kaya to live her life. And for some odd reason it brought home the conversation Steve and I have had this week...and it caused a serious turning point in my heart.
We want Kaya to know life shouldn't be filled with filler....material items, constant hectic going ons, and instead should be filled with what, love, nature, life. We want her to have that wide open spirit and soul regardless of where she lives. We want her to know she can survive without the latest gadget or if a restaurant is closed. We want her to know where her food comes from,that as a family we pull together to get things done and we pull together tighter when times are hard.
I love too that the blog said it was not a location that caused simplicity but a way of thought. Whether in the country, on the subway, living in a huge city or on your own little garden can live a simple life. That there is no magical formula or self help book to make it happen. You just have to DO IT!
But I think the thing that struck me the most was the simple line "It's about having room to let life happen because it's going to happen" that hit me right over the head. I think some people, mainly family, have a hard time with the fact that we live a majority of our life this way. We know it's going to rain but it doesn't ruin the day. That today may suck royally but it's ONE BAD DAY, not a bad life. You have to leave that room in your life for life to happen, adjust your thinking and keep going.
It also brought home the message Steve told me this week when he said I have to apply that thinking to all areas of my life. I've laid my heart out this last few weeks and to be honest the message I've gotten silence...speaks volumes. It's been made clear to us that we are not the focal point of anything in the family. At first it hurt, it stung and I thought "what a bunch of lying hypocrites talking family and love then basically writing us off as they are "too busy with others" to include us". then it hit. LEAVE ROOM IN YOUR LIFE FOR LIFE TO HAPPEN. Put my heart back in my chest where it belonged, not on my cuff-sleeve, and adjusted my thinking.
Adjusted my thinking to remember that the ones under this roof love unconditionally and simply from the heart. That in less than 2 weeks I'll be with my side of the family for a huge hog roast doing what a family should do..being together and enjoying life. That we stay busy with our life and that we are happy.
Living simply isn't easy all the time. You have to stop and think..nope not going to be doing it that way or thinking that way...but it sure is nicer :)
Tuesday, October 22, 2013
Vacation :)
Vacation is my favorite time of the year ;) and I'm thankful that I get to take a week in October. I try to take it before the holiday rush and they cut us off and this year I'll even have a week left for Jan or Feb which I'm really liking. I can't complain about 4 wks vacation a year...but I do wish I had more lol
Monday we slept in, a rare treat around here. I've decided there is nothing as content and soul satisfying as hearing your babygirl giggle in her sleep :) After a nice long cuddle time with Miss Kaya and some serious giggles and "girl" talk we decided to head down to my Dad's for the day. It been a bit since we had seen him and Kaya loves to play at his place. Lots of open yard to run and explore. She found a million caterpillars ;) she said lol (in reality she did find a lot..she had them in a pan till we made her let them go lol), played with Pappaw's dog and just had fun. We had a really nice visit and poked back home the back way on the gravel roads. The trees down home are simply popping with color!!
Top pic: persimmons in the bucket
Left: persimmons being pushed through the strainer
Bottom: rendered pulp (persimmons used to be considered a food of the Gods by Native Americans because they were so sweet)
Monday we slept in, a rare treat around here. I've decided there is nothing as content and soul satisfying as hearing your babygirl giggle in her sleep :) After a nice long cuddle time with Miss Kaya and some serious giggles and "girl" talk we decided to head down to my Dad's for the day. It been a bit since we had seen him and Kaya loves to play at his place. Lots of open yard to run and explore. She found a million caterpillars ;) she said lol (in reality she did find a lot..she had them in a pan till we made her let them go lol), played with Pappaw's dog and just had fun. We had a really nice visit and poked back home the back way on the gravel roads. The trees down home are simply popping with color!!
Kaya oohed and awwed about all the beautiful colors. And yes I took this picture of the pond behind Dad's. :)
Once home we decided the frost watch was warning enough to get the air conditioners out of the windows (I'd love to have central air someday..but thankful to just have air!!). Stored them away and decided we needed to build a hoop style hot house to save our peppers which are in bloom!! We enclosed the peppers, the rouge cabbage lol and we shall see how it works!!
And that was just Monday LOL
Tuesday, today, we went to our aunties and picked persimmons. Kaya was more impressed with what was on the trees not the more squishy ones on the ground lol We got a really good amount of them. After the dentist appt (previous post) we came home to process the persimmons. I LOVE the smell of persimmons as you squish's a fall smell all of it's own and ranks up there with the first scent of tomato vines in the spring garden. We washed the persimmons, took the stems off and we squish them through a fine wire strainer (we used a cup to do the squishing cause it was easier on Kaya's little hands). We ended up with 15 cups of pulp!! That puts me up to 44 cups in the freezer :) Considering it goes for 4 to 6 dollars for 2 cups (enough to do one pudding) I'm a pretty lucky lady :) I'll have more than enough to make some goodies this winter! Kaya did great helping and we will save some of the seeds (showing spoons!!!) to plant for our own trees!! Steve is wanting persimmon trees bad.
Top pic: persimmons in the bucket
Left: persimmons being pushed through the strainer
Bottom: rendered pulp (persimmons used to be considered a food of the Gods by Native Americans because they were so sweet)
We finished up the day with Kaya passing out early (lots of playing outside today) and the smell of pumpkin seeds baking in the oven. Steve uses a fall mix...brown sugar, cinnamon, white sugar and a little salt and melted butter then bakes them for 10 mins each side at 350 degrees. The seeds are out of our pumpkins we carved.
My best part of vacation? Being with my insanely funny, tad bit nutty, always awesome little family :) Still have 5 more days to enjoy not being at work :)
Dentist visit
Kaya had her routine 6 mo check up and cleaning today. She absolutely loves the staff and her dentist. I'm thankful to have a great dentist for Kaya that honestly cares about her and his staff is superb with children and adults. When your child LOVES going to the dentist then they are doing something right :)
Nearly a perfect bill of health other than one small spot between two baby teeth that the dentist said was no big deal right now. He said her teeth looked awesome, that her adult molars are starting to cause gum swelling and pushing (right on schedule) and that she has not only the loose tooth on bottom (next to the one she's already lost) but two on top that are starting to get wiggly!! They cleaned her teeth, flossed and put her protective paint on.
She also got her first set of xrays today. Dr M likes to do that when there is some molar swelling and they hit the 5 1/2 mark so there is a good record of her tooth growth and to watch for spacing issues with her adult teeth. She did AWESOME. Sat perfectly still, bit down on the tray and didn't have to repeat any frames because they all came out great. :)
Dr M also gave her gloves and a surgical mask for her Halloween costume. She was very happy about that. A vampire nurse needs supplies LOL
Nearly a perfect bill of health other than one small spot between two baby teeth that the dentist said was no big deal right now. He said her teeth looked awesome, that her adult molars are starting to cause gum swelling and pushing (right on schedule) and that she has not only the loose tooth on bottom (next to the one she's already lost) but two on top that are starting to get wiggly!! They cleaned her teeth, flossed and put her protective paint on.
She also got her first set of xrays today. Dr M likes to do that when there is some molar swelling and they hit the 5 1/2 mark so there is a good record of her tooth growth and to watch for spacing issues with her adult teeth. She did AWESOME. Sat perfectly still, bit down on the tray and didn't have to repeat any frames because they all came out great. :)
Dr M also gave her gloves and a surgical mask for her Halloween costume. She was very happy about that. A vampire nurse needs supplies LOL
Monday, October 21, 2013
Pumpkin time :)
Well the pumpkins are done at the Hacienda and looking pretty good if I do say so myself :) Kaya decided she wanted to draw on her white pumpkin with a black marker and had a ball. She drew Jack Skeleton, her name, you name it lol and was very pleased with the outcome. Steve decided that he wanted to do his with a drill bit. He used it to make holes and spell out Boo, then we used clear Cmas lights and pushed them into the holes and it came out great. I did mine saying Fall on the front and a swirly flower design on the back :) We had a ball doing them. Kaya loves the "ooey gooey guts" lol and the compost will probably have a few volunteer pumpkins next year.
Kaya's beautiful work of art. It actually came out looking pretty hip with the dark ink against the white. It shows up really well on the front step :)
Our Fall and Boo pumpkins. They really looked good at dark :) Steve did the cutting, cleaning and I did the lettering and weaving the lights in them.
Kaya's beautiful work of art. It actually came out looking pretty hip with the dark ink against the white. It shows up really well on the front step :)
Our Fall and Boo pumpkins. They really looked good at dark :) Steve did the cutting, cleaning and I did the lettering and weaving the lights in them.
Sunday, October 20, 2013
One thing that I've been seeing consistently online and in articles in magazines have me thinking. And that is stay at home Moms vs Moms that work outside the home.
I find it entirely hilarious that as women we feel the need to label and defend ourselves in this day and age. I hate that people feel the need to break apart what a woman does. I find it senseless that our bodies are mature enough to produce a child and we are adult enough to have our child(ren) but we feel we have to check off boxes as to why we are the way we are or to have someone else defend us. And I find it absolutely unnecessary for any man to say "this is what my wife does".
I'll be blunt. Any woman that has a child that she loves, that she cares for, that she feeds, she clothes, she daily involves herself a Mom. Whether that Mom works from 7 to 4 at a job outside the home or is home all day..she is a Mom. Any woman that misses sleep in the middle of the night to soothe a nightmare, that rushes to an appt, that juggles more than one thing (and don't we all) is a working Mom. If you bandage booboos, ooh and ahhh over less than desirable pets, hang crookedly drawn crayon art on your are a Mom.
I don't ever find the need to say "I work a job from 7 to 4 but I'm still a Mom." Sorry I just don't. I'm a Mom 24/7 and I just happen to have one job that I clock in for and another that I'm on the clock all the time. I also never expect a SAH Mom to say "I have my children all day but I still work". That's redundant. Being home with your children is just as much work as working a job that you clock in for.
As a WOH Mom yes things are different than if I was a SAH Mom. I do leave for work in the morning and I come back home at 4pm. I work 7 days a week at least once a month to be able to have 2 days off during the week for dr. appts, dentist appts etc. I know in my home my income is needed but it doesn't mean that my child suffers. Every single minute at work I'm thinking of my kiddo. If she is sick breaks are used to call home and if she's very sick my vacation time etc is used to be AT HOME. Yes that WOH Moms are still there when our kids are sick, when they need us and when special events happen. We don't miss out on school events, we don't miss out on big moments, we don't punch the time clock while our kiddo is desperately ill. I'm tired of hearing how WOH moms miss special moments or are so rushed around that we don't get fully involved. Granted I'm not every mom and there are some WOH Moms that do not juggle time or put family first..that's not my style. Some WOH Moms have no choice but to NOT miss work and I'm lucky that I have options. The minute my feet hit the door at home I'm in full Mommy mode..supper, play time, learning activities, bath time etc etc. WOH Moms have to do the same things as SAH Moms we just do it in different time frames.
I get tired of society hitting on both types of Moms. We do what works for our families and what we have to do. It's not societies business what works nor is it media's right to label us one way or another. There are many well rounded, well involved SAH Moms but there are many that do not use the full potential that they have ..and by that I mean their kids are not "at home" they are in a million activities, the Mom's put themselves first 100% of the time, time is spent anywhere but at home bonding. There are many WOH Moms that juggle a full work schedule and a full home schedule and do it beautifully but there are many that put work first, themselves first or forget that being a Mom is more than just giving birth. But it is not the medias place to tell us what is "right" as far as whether a woman HAS to be at home or at work. Nor should a woman be made feel guilty about her family decisions.
Even more aggravating is the fact that women feel the need to say you have to have one way or the other or it's wrong. That if you are a WOH Mom you must not want to be involved fully with your kid, miss out on important things or your child is less in your heart. Or that if you are a SAH Mom that you let your husband take care of you,that you have a lazier schedule than other Mom's or that you are not using your degree/capabilities etc. I find it crazy that women judge each other on such a sensitive issue. Instead of raising each other up in victory....her kid is fed, she's googling healthy recipes, she's making decisions for her whole family, she's taking some time to reenergize...we try to pull each other down. A WOH Mom shouldn't say anything when a SAH Mom writes an article supporting SAH Moms but a WOH Mom writes an article then it's fair game for an attack by SAH. And I can admit at times it's that way on both sides of the fences. But society largely makes a WOH Mom feel super guilty about everything she does and how she does it and if a WOH Mom even mentions she's happy with her life then society doubly guilt trips her. I can't speak for the SAH Mom simply because I am not one but I'm sure they too feel that way. Society feels the need to make one side of the fence look greener than the other when in reality both sides can be green with the proper care and nurturing.
I also cannot stand when men feel the need to say "My wife stays at home" "My wife works but she's still a good Mom". Give me a break. If we judged all men under the lump sum of what was accomplished at home then more than one would be seriously lacking. It's one thing to say "I'm blessed to have a wife that can juggle home and work and be an awesome wife and Mom." Or "I'm blessed my wife gets to be at home helping to raise our children and is an awesome wife and Mom." Totally different than saying "My wife stays at home" "My wife works"
I think we need to stop focusing on where a woman is for a part of her day and instead focus on what she brings to the family, what she brings to her children. We need to start complimenting Moms that are doing it right. As women we need to start being there for each other not talking about each other. We as WOH Moms need to stop thinking SAH Moms are putting us down and SAH Moms need to stop thinking WOH Moms are putting them down. We need to start seeing our blessing of being a MOM and gracefully be exactly what we are!
I find it entirely hilarious that as women we feel the need to label and defend ourselves in this day and age. I hate that people feel the need to break apart what a woman does. I find it senseless that our bodies are mature enough to produce a child and we are adult enough to have our child(ren) but we feel we have to check off boxes as to why we are the way we are or to have someone else defend us. And I find it absolutely unnecessary for any man to say "this is what my wife does".
I'll be blunt. Any woman that has a child that she loves, that she cares for, that she feeds, she clothes, she daily involves herself a Mom. Whether that Mom works from 7 to 4 at a job outside the home or is home all day..she is a Mom. Any woman that misses sleep in the middle of the night to soothe a nightmare, that rushes to an appt, that juggles more than one thing (and don't we all) is a working Mom. If you bandage booboos, ooh and ahhh over less than desirable pets, hang crookedly drawn crayon art on your are a Mom.
I don't ever find the need to say "I work a job from 7 to 4 but I'm still a Mom." Sorry I just don't. I'm a Mom 24/7 and I just happen to have one job that I clock in for and another that I'm on the clock all the time. I also never expect a SAH Mom to say "I have my children all day but I still work". That's redundant. Being home with your children is just as much work as working a job that you clock in for.
As a WOH Mom yes things are different than if I was a SAH Mom. I do leave for work in the morning and I come back home at 4pm. I work 7 days a week at least once a month to be able to have 2 days off during the week for dr. appts, dentist appts etc. I know in my home my income is needed but it doesn't mean that my child suffers. Every single minute at work I'm thinking of my kiddo. If she is sick breaks are used to call home and if she's very sick my vacation time etc is used to be AT HOME. Yes that WOH Moms are still there when our kids are sick, when they need us and when special events happen. We don't miss out on school events, we don't miss out on big moments, we don't punch the time clock while our kiddo is desperately ill. I'm tired of hearing how WOH moms miss special moments or are so rushed around that we don't get fully involved. Granted I'm not every mom and there are some WOH Moms that do not juggle time or put family first..that's not my style. Some WOH Moms have no choice but to NOT miss work and I'm lucky that I have options. The minute my feet hit the door at home I'm in full Mommy mode..supper, play time, learning activities, bath time etc etc. WOH Moms have to do the same things as SAH Moms we just do it in different time frames.
I get tired of society hitting on both types of Moms. We do what works for our families and what we have to do. It's not societies business what works nor is it media's right to label us one way or another. There are many well rounded, well involved SAH Moms but there are many that do not use the full potential that they have ..and by that I mean their kids are not "at home" they are in a million activities, the Mom's put themselves first 100% of the time, time is spent anywhere but at home bonding. There are many WOH Moms that juggle a full work schedule and a full home schedule and do it beautifully but there are many that put work first, themselves first or forget that being a Mom is more than just giving birth. But it is not the medias place to tell us what is "right" as far as whether a woman HAS to be at home or at work. Nor should a woman be made feel guilty about her family decisions.
Even more aggravating is the fact that women feel the need to say you have to have one way or the other or it's wrong. That if you are a WOH Mom you must not want to be involved fully with your kid, miss out on important things or your child is less in your heart. Or that if you are a SAH Mom that you let your husband take care of you,that you have a lazier schedule than other Mom's or that you are not using your degree/capabilities etc. I find it crazy that women judge each other on such a sensitive issue. Instead of raising each other up in victory....her kid is fed, she's googling healthy recipes, she's making decisions for her whole family, she's taking some time to reenergize...we try to pull each other down. A WOH Mom shouldn't say anything when a SAH Mom writes an article supporting SAH Moms but a WOH Mom writes an article then it's fair game for an attack by SAH. And I can admit at times it's that way on both sides of the fences. But society largely makes a WOH Mom feel super guilty about everything she does and how she does it and if a WOH Mom even mentions she's happy with her life then society doubly guilt trips her. I can't speak for the SAH Mom simply because I am not one but I'm sure they too feel that way. Society feels the need to make one side of the fence look greener than the other when in reality both sides can be green with the proper care and nurturing.
I also cannot stand when men feel the need to say "My wife stays at home" "My wife works but she's still a good Mom". Give me a break. If we judged all men under the lump sum of what was accomplished at home then more than one would be seriously lacking. It's one thing to say "I'm blessed to have a wife that can juggle home and work and be an awesome wife and Mom." Or "I'm blessed my wife gets to be at home helping to raise our children and is an awesome wife and Mom." Totally different than saying "My wife stays at home" "My wife works"
I think we need to stop focusing on where a woman is for a part of her day and instead focus on what she brings to the family, what she brings to her children. We need to start complimenting Moms that are doing it right. As women we need to start being there for each other not talking about each other. We as WOH Moms need to stop thinking SAH Moms are putting us down and SAH Moms need to stop thinking WOH Moms are putting them down. We need to start seeing our blessing of being a MOM and gracefully be exactly what we are!
Monday, October 14, 2013
Awesome weekend at the Hacienda
Very blessed that every day, every weekend at the Hacienda is awesome simply because we are together. Thought I'd show a weekend at the Hacienda in pics as well :)
Saturday was a gorgeous fall day so we headed to the Farmer's Market. Love that our local Market is wrapped around the small town park so once we are done browsing Kaya gets to play :) Was doubly surprised when this Saturday was Family Fun Fest. Lots of veggie/food booths, lots of vendors, bands, and bouncy houses. Kaya had a blast. Of course we had to go down slides and do a lil swinging ;)
Local farm working up silage
Saturday was a gorgeous fall day so we headed to the Farmer's Market. Love that our local Market is wrapped around the small town park so once we are done browsing Kaya gets to play :) Was doubly surprised when this Saturday was Family Fun Fest. Lots of veggie/food booths, lots of vendors, bands, and bouncy houses. Kaya had a blast. Of course we had to go down slides and do a lil swinging ;)
Then we loaded back up and cut back some farm roads to watch them harvest the last fall fields and to see the Amish fields all done up in corn shocks and getting ready for winter.
Amishman going to hook his horses up to the wagons. Local farm working up silage
Then home to work in our garden and lots of play time outside.
Sunday dawned beautiful but my fave part of the day?
Getting to sleep in all cuddled up with my snugglebug :) Rare treat that we get to sleep in. Then I got a double treat because Steve made some awesome homemade pancakes and sausage links :)
Rest of Sunday was hauling trash and recycling and stopping in to check on my mother in law who had surgery. We had a nice visit and my brother in law helped Steve pick the pears off their trees and gave them to me! 2 buckets later I now have
Lots of pears chopped up and froze in slices in the freezer for desserts this winter. And a good amount of pear puree which became
Yummy pear butter :) 12 hours of cooking it down then I let it cool. Some will go in the container in the fridge (Kaya loves pear butter) and the rest will go in freezer bags laid flat and froze for this winter use :) I was very happy with my pears lol
Rest of Sunday was round out with trampoline time, Kaya laughing her head off over a fat worm on the walk lol, laundry,freezing up a bunch of banana peppers etc but an especially nice treat was a
warm cup of homemade hot chocolate with marshmallows courtesy of my sweet hubby and daughter :) We even got a few minutes as the sun went down to sit on the church pew on the porch and enjoy the cocoa before heading in to start baths and bedtimes.
I'm a very blessed lady in many ways. Maybe the Hacienda doesn't run like another family's home but we sure can have a good time on very little because we've learned the real rule in life: family matters. I cannot imagine my day without Steve or Kaya, without our four legged or multi legged (LOL) pets, without our own unique sense of humor and love of life :)
And that is a typical weekend at the Hacienda. We have fun, we enjoy each other's company and it's never boring ;)
Friday, October 11, 2013
Forecasting winter...
People use all types of things to predict upcoming winter weather. I was raised not only on meteorology but also on nature clues. Some I think can predict, some I think are just interesting.
Thursday, October 10, 2013
Proud moments!!
Hacienda has been hopping with lots of proud moments!
First Steve sold his first pallet project :) Very proud of him and his skills. He is much more talented than the realizes and always comes up with interesting ideas. He sold a 13ft planter :)
First Steve sold his first pallet project :) Very proud of him and his skills. He is much more talented than the realizes and always comes up with interesting ideas. He sold a 13ft planter :)
My little brother just started his first week of college in the big city of Los Angeles and seems to really like his classes. Very proud of him for never letting anything stand in his way, putting his head to it and accomplishing something even if it's scary. Hoping it continues to go smooth for him and he succeeds at everything he wants :)
My little cousin..sigh not so little cousin as he's a senior this year!!!!! accepted into the diesel program at the college he wanted!! Seems like only yesterday he was tinkering on his PowerWheels and now in a few months he'll be college bound. He's one of those rare guys..big heart, smart and all around good kiddo :)
Another loose tooth!!
Miss Kaya has another loose tooth! Right next to the one that has already came out. I think she is just trying to remind me daily how quickly she is growing!!
I've learned...
I've learned that I absolutely love to live in a fly over state ;) I've actually traveled to most of the US and the "fly over states" have always been my favorite.
I've seen a wheat field in Kansas, watched a tornado chase down the road in Oklahoma and disappear, I've seen the sunset over the badlands, I've seen the fields in Iowa stretch out for miles, the corn fields and flat lands of Illinois, have felt the ground shake from buffalo in South Dakota, smelled the chili ristras drying in Old Town, felt the altitude change in Colorado and saw the bluest skies in Phoenix, I've seen the moon starting to come up in Window Rock...and I've felt the total freedom of sitting in the still perfect night of Indiana ;)
I've been to huge cities, I've seen the White House, humbled myself at the Holocaust Museum, saw the huge dinosaurs at the Smithsonian, saw the major civil war spots and walked the streets of Tombstone. I've been to Wounded Knee, Mt Rushmore, Crazy Horse Monument.
All those big cities with their huge highways, busy lifestyles and hurry up attitudes are fine. But there is nothing like those small towns tucked in the outskirts.
Being a rural farm kid myself there is no freedom like stretching out barefoot on the front step, big moon up, listening to the kadydids and the frogs. Of seeing combines work the fields, or the Amish out with their horses. Seeing all the men come in after a hard day and everyone sitting down at the table. Of my aunties, grandma and cousins working together. It's funny how so many people think rural towns are backwoods with little to offer. We have just as much,if not more, than some big cities.
Being from a fly over state life is a little different. Those small towns make up the backbone of America. We learn more than just farming. We may talk a bit slower or do things a bit different but we enjoy a little piece of life alot miss. The simple life. We know the land provides, the land takes away, that hard works pays off in lots of ways.I learned to ride a horse when I could barely walk, I could drive before I was 10 lol
Even if plans move us eventually to another "fly over state" it's a mentality that sticks with you your whole life :)
Wednesday, October 9, 2013
First dress project done
Not perfect and I figured out some things I will do differently on the next one but not too shabby for my first try with no pattern :) Kaya loved it and that is all that matters :)
50 cent yardsale shirt + jean scraps = a cute dress with enough material left over to put a cute button bow on the dress and a headband for Kaya :)
50 cent yardsale shirt + jean scraps = a cute dress with enough material left over to put a cute button bow on the dress and a headband for Kaya :)
Saturday, October 5, 2013
I'm using this motto alot lately. I've made huge steps in the right direction on several issues. One major step of mine was talking to Steve about the fact that I know Kaya and I are not only treated differently but ignored by some of his family. We had an honest frank talk about it and things are moving in the right direction in that area. I've let go of even trying to figure them out and I've gained control of not letting them hurt me, intentionally or not. In turn I'm showing Kaya that we don't let others set our paramenters to how we feel about ourselves and we've told her no matter what others may think or do..she is our world :)
I've also started to let go of being so controlling in other areas. I am NOT the go with the flow person Steve is and at times it frustrates me. I often overthink things to the point that it wears me out. I'm learning to let my guard down on some issues and just let it be. That maybe a way someone would do something isn't my way..but it still gets done and the world doesn't end. I think as a wife and a Mom that is a big issue with most of us!! We know how we like things, we know how we want it done and we tend to think our way is the only way. When Kaya came into my changed my life in so many ways. She has taught me patience, a different view on life and that at times you can shelve the list and live. What needs done this minute..barring emergency or absolute has to do..can always be done later.
I'm also starting to build more confidence in areas of risk in my life. Ideas like going to college, making life changes, making personal changes etc etc. Steve has told me since day one the only thing that limits me. I value how he sees me..even if at times I do NOT see it.
I've also learned that self improvement, admittance of flaws and moving ahead in life trickles down to my kiddo and that is very important to me. I was very much raised by strong intelligent women and I never doubted what I could or couldn't do merely because I was a girl or whatever. I want Kaya to have that strong faith in herself, the ability to be herself and not worry about the crowd and to be content in her skin. In turn I've got to be content in my skin in lots of areas.:)
I've also started to let go of being so controlling in other areas. I am NOT the go with the flow person Steve is and at times it frustrates me. I often overthink things to the point that it wears me out. I'm learning to let my guard down on some issues and just let it be. That maybe a way someone would do something isn't my way..but it still gets done and the world doesn't end. I think as a wife and a Mom that is a big issue with most of us!! We know how we like things, we know how we want it done and we tend to think our way is the only way. When Kaya came into my changed my life in so many ways. She has taught me patience, a different view on life and that at times you can shelve the list and live. What needs done this minute..barring emergency or absolute has to do..can always be done later.
I'm also starting to build more confidence in areas of risk in my life. Ideas like going to college, making life changes, making personal changes etc etc. Steve has told me since day one the only thing that limits me. I value how he sees me..even if at times I do NOT see it.
I've also learned that self improvement, admittance of flaws and moving ahead in life trickles down to my kiddo and that is very important to me. I was very much raised by strong intelligent women and I never doubted what I could or couldn't do merely because I was a girl or whatever. I want Kaya to have that strong faith in herself, the ability to be herself and not worry about the crowd and to be content in her skin. In turn I've got to be content in my skin in lots of areas.:)
The Hacienda now has...
The Hacienda now has baby chicks. My father in law has been raising chickens and knew of Steve and Kaya's fondness for chickens (I'd say obssesion with owning them but that sounds scary lol). His hens had babies and he gave them to Kaya and Steve. He wasn't sure on the breed so we googled the info and they are Black Copper Marans. They are hearty chickens, friendly, well known for being meat chickens but most well known for their lovely dark brown eggs!! The eggs are twice the size of regular grocery store eggs and will vary in color but most stay a darker shade!! It'll be several months before we see eggs but..for now Kaya says we are Chicken Farmers LOL
The eggs will be varying shades like this! We plan on adding possibly oyster shell or flax to their diet as that will increase the vitamins in their eggs.
We have built a brooder house for them for this winter. I can't stand the thought of them being in a bigger chicken house with winter (and we are suppose to have a bitter one this year!) right around the corner. We built this house for nothing!!! We used old pallets for the floor and frame and an old meal worm box for the nesting bed. We'll put shavings on the floor and clamp a heat lamp on it. We will also put in their water and feed bowl. They will be pretty spoiled lol
The brooder house we built for the total cost of NOTHING!! :)
They have been named Lily and Rose (Kaya's) and Nugget (Steve's)
We won!!!!
Monday was a very happy day for us. We won approval on the first try for Steve's MS shots. The insurance company will allow him to have access to his shots and will cover them for another year. It was music to our ears and a little peace to our souls. We were preparing for the hard fight because we are realistic on what CAN happen but very very thankful for what DID happen :)
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