So proud of how smart Kaya is but at times it simply floors me what she manages to retain and recite later. She can now do all her body parts, count to ten or more depending on her mood,count to at least five sometimes 8 in Spanish,uses rather large words such as dangerous etc when the mood strikes her. She knows boy and girl even though she CONSTANTLY calls Daddy a nice girl lol or will say “see that boy she’s nice” makes us laugh!
Knowing all her body parts is great EXCEPT for when she decided to inform people of what body parts they have such as telling Mimi tonight at the nursing home/rehab that “Mimi you do have boobs”. Cracks me up but we keep telling her its not nice to say such things etc.
She’s almost completely potty trained (few night accidents) but doing awesome. Packed up all the training panties as “she’s a big girl” and doesn’t wear them. Went through ALL her dressers and closet this weekend. Amazes me just how fast she grows. We are constantly adding to the totes of outgrown clothes.