Kaya Rain

Kaya Rain
Our beautiful daughter.

Sunday, February 20, 2011


  Even though Kaya has informed her cousins they are no longer cousins but friends (that’s her new word) she was very excited they spent the weekend with her. Even though they are going to be 14 and 16 this summer they are still awesome with Kaya and play with her and give her time and attention.


   They had a great time this weekend. Pizza party Friday night, LOTS of playing together all weekend, and then a trip to see Addie on Sunday. Busy time but lots of fun,giggles and love Smile

Kaya is doing great…

  With potty training. She had been doing fairly well awhile back then took a stubborn streak and decided she wasn’t NEVER using the potty to quote her. Now she is back to staying dry and is on almost a month in panties other than night time BUT she has been getting up more at night to potty.

   Every week she stays dry she gets a little prize and when she does something even better….like using the potty at Walmart at her OWN request then she gets a bigger prize. Once she accomplishes doing a number two in the potty then she gets a BIG prize!

  She’s pretty proud of the purple panties she earned this week. She had wanted them last time we went shopping (she has A LOT of panties lol) so we made them her goal this week.


Pretty proud of my girl. Hard to believe she will be THREE in June ….