Hard to believe Miss Kaya is now two and half years old…cruising towards the big THREE!! Seems like only yesterday the little bundle was born.
We definitely have an independent girl on our hands. I LOVE that she is opinionated and independent…willing to do most things at least once on her own..but..I will admit sometimes its not easy! It takes patience when I know that I can accomplish the task in ten minutes…to step back and let Kaya do it “herself” even if it takes 30 minutes and a little frustration on her part.
She is picking up colors…she does great on all but green. She is also picking up numbers and will count…although she likes to say “one,two,three, six , nine”…She can name all her body parts and all the people and animals that reside in the Henderson household. She is a very quick witted little girl. She has recently picked up”shhhh please. My turn to talk”….as we are teaching her that its rude to talk over others and that you should “take turns”…she’s just not yet figured out that its not always her turn! haha
She is over 3 ft tall and about 38lbs (last time we could weigh her) and ..is growing right on schedule. They said we will have a tall girl and I believe it as she is all legs…potty training is going pretty good even though she has been having issues with telling us that she needs to do a number 2 AFTER the fact…she is trying. VERY good at washing her hands after pottying, loves to brush her teeth..and..working on the hair combing. I had to find out what would help with tangles…she is ALL curls. Things are going much better in that area.
No is one of her fave words when she is frustrated. And..if she gets in trouble and you are not giving her the attention she wants she will say “Mommy see me crying…do you see me crying”…or Daddy if its him. VERY hard to NOT crack a smile.
She has a very big imagination and I love to hear her stories,songs and “trips” she takes. She loves to be animals (reminds me A LOT of her uncle Jonus at that age)…her fave being a frog. She still loves music a lot and loves to dance.
Cant wait to see what the days/months/year ahead holds for us!