Kaya Rain

Kaya Rain
Our beautiful daughter.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Made bread…

  Kaya got to try her hand at making homemade from scratch pumpkin bread today. She LOVED it. I had her wash up and get up at the table. I spooned out some pumpkin for her…and then let her add the ingredients to it. She was very serious..instructing me exactly where to pour the sugar, the flour, the water and oil..and when we added spices..she goes “Oh my Mommy that smells goood”….

  I decided to not add eggs to her batter..since we were doing minicupcakes anyway I just added a lil extra oil. I know my daughter well enough to know she’ll sneak batter to try it! So she stirred her lil bowl while I stirred the big bowl of complete batter.
Then she got to arrange her cupcake liners in the pan and we spooned it in. I greased my pans and she was in awe at all the batter going into all the pans. We ended up with a pan of mini cupcakes, a small loaf that we were all forced to eat immediately, a larger loaf we took to the neighbors and then a large loaf that we baked in a pan that makes your loaf come out looking like a basket holding pumpkins.

  Once the loaves were done and cool enough to eat..Kaya smeared her a slice with butter and gave it two thumbs up. She helped me take the loaf to our neighbor and informed him SHE did all the work! haha

  I loved baking with her today and I'm glad she takes an interest in it. We have done pie crust,dumplings etc..but this is her first real bread project and she loved it.

040 Kaya washing up to start baking.


041 Mixing her batter….


044 some of our finished projects :)

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Found some baby clothes…

  Well I hit a great sale a couple weeks ago at Walmart…several racks for one dollar and alot of racks for two dollars. Sooo of course I am required to buy Kaya several pieces of clothing for next summer as well as Kim’s baby that’s due in December some nice outfits. Some of the onesies were three pieces for a dollar.

  Well I brought the clothes home,let Kaya see hers and put Kim’s in the closet. Kaya managed to find the bag last night, drag out all the baby clothes and announce “Awww for me”. I explained to her they were for a baby..she looked at me and goes “Im the baby”…finally I told her it was for Kimmy’s baby. She cocked her head sideways and goes “but..I wear them”…then proceeded to put or try to put the clothes on. Nothing is funnier than the look on her face ..here she is a 3t shirt for length and she’s got a 3 mo onesie in her hand! LOL

Finally convinced her that even though she’s my baby…that the clothes are for Kim’s baby. Cant wait to see how she reacts when she gets to actually see Kim’s baby and hold her.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Found this picture…

Its of Kaya when she was just about three or four months old I believe..its in Oct of 2008 I think..lol..

She is at Spring Mill..soo funny to see how much she has grown…seems like she was only born yesterday!



Pumpkin patch time !!

   Headed out today about 12:30 for Lark Ranch in Martin County. Kaya had a blast there last year so we thought we’d go back this year. They also have a pretty good price on pumpkins and Kaya enjoys picking her own.


  Kaya napped on the way down and once Daddy woke her up when we got there ..and she saw the bright red barns..she was excited! LOL She shouted “We here! We here”…

   Once inside…she had to ride the pony first. She loves horses..is not one bit afraid of them. She hopped up on that pony, grabbed the saddlehorn, let out a yeehaw and was off ..of course being guided by the lady leading the horse. Made me smile and think back to when I was little..my Grandpa LOVED horses and I was riding before I was even Kaya’s age. I thought today..Grandpa would be so proud to see how Kaya is riding ..even though it was a pony! haha


  Then..off to explore. She had to check out the farm animals and led the way to each one. She was rather disappointed cuase she remembered that last year there was pigpigs (pigs) and there was none there today. But she was eager to see and talk to each animal. A staff member was nice enough to help bring up a calf for her to pet. Anyone that knows Kaya knows she LOVES cows.


  She was even patient waiting on the hayride. Of course..she had her fave..pretzel and cheese with an applecider slushy. She is just like me and Steve….and LOVES applecider. Off the the upick pumpkin patch we went. She talked the whole way there…chatting with everyone. She hopped right out into the field and picked her own mini pumpkin and gourds. Daddy found a funky looking pumpkin covered in bumps that they are going to make look like  a witch and put on the front porch!


  Once back to the main part of the Ranch we ate a bite of lunch..Kaya opting for the corn on the cob and tomato slices…and then back to the pony for another ride. Then she hopped into the pumpkin hauler…lol..sorta like a wheelbarrow..and Daddy hauled her and the pumpkins to the truck.



  On the way back we cut through the country way and went to Loogootee to eat icecream at Dairy Queen. It was a wonderful drive down to the ranch and the drive back through the country was peaceful. Nice to be back in Martin county..my old stomping grounds! LOL I grew up wayyy out in the country and still LOVE to hear the corn rustle in the wind,smell the freshly mown fields, and see the wildlife. Guess you can take the girl outta the country but you cant take the country outta the girl! HAHA

  All in all an absolutely wonderful day. Loved hearing Kaya laugh and seeing her smile. We are so ready for fall,halloween, thanksgiving and Christmas! LOL Fall is our fave and we always have a blast!


Friday, September 10, 2010

Kaya feeling better

  Kaya seems to be feeling better…lovely late summer runny nose and cough has been plaguing her all week. She has slept better the last two nights…which means Mommy and Daddy have slept better!

  She did manage to take her squeeky cow to bed….which was fine till she rolled over on it…it squeeked and we hear this tiny little voice say “Cows….go….moo” …very hard to NOT laugh….haha

  This week has flew by…been a lil rough mainly cause  Kaya has been in her “Mommy isn’t going to work mood” and its been rough on me getting out the door in the morning.

   Counting down till pumpkin patch time. This awesome weather puts us in the fall mood…which is my fave season. Steve likes it..but hates that winter follows soo soon after it! haha The crisp cool air makes me think pumpkin patch,Halloween,the smell of fresh pumpkin bread baking in the oven,homemade beef stew….Kaya giggling as she jumps in the leaves….all the great things about fall :)

Monday, September 6, 2010

2010 Guthrie/Brock sheeproast

  We are lucky enough to attend this event every year courtesy of Steve’s family. Its definately one of the highlights of September. You’ve never seen sooo much food in one place and soo many people! LOL

  This year watching Kaya play and have fun made me think back to her first one last year..and just how much she’s changed! Last year..barely over one year old..toddling around with the big kids..no curls and very lil hair..and now…3ft tall, 32lbs and curls galore!!

A picture from her first sheeproast

kayas first sheeproast She is the lil thing in the blue shirt…lol..

Kaya at the sheeproast this year…

kaya sheeprst 2010 She has def. grew a lil bit.

She enjoyed everything about the roast..even getting brave and sampling some bbq ..she is not much of a meat eater but she seemed to like it. She really liked the pond where she got to watch Daddy and Michael fish..and was all excited screaming BIG FISH when Michael brought to shore a 2ft catfish…she did NOT want to pet that fish like she did the others..

Update…..got news from Aunt Judy that there was 252 people that attended the sheep roast!!

Our first post…

  I’ve been thinking hard about what to write in our first post..and I decided to write about when we first had Kaya. I remember finding out we were pregnant..and it seemed like those nine months flew by. In no time..we were in the hospital, a waiting room full of family and friends…and at 1:11am there was our beautiful perfect daughter. We had loved her from the minute the pregnancy test had said “positive”…but..holding her in our arms..we fell in love all over again. Beautiful big eyes, dark hair…ten sweet lil fingers and toes..perfection.

  Seems like in no time those two years have flew. First..we hit the milestones of rolling over, chattering, walking and the first birthday. Then…climbing,jumping, laughing, repeating everything we do and say…sleeping most the time in her own bed and working on potty training.

  Seems like out of the blue..she is now two. Time has flown! But..we have a wonderful..maybe a lil headstrong lol toddler that is the apple of our eye. She is definately  a Daddy’s girl….and even though he hates to admit it …one lil kiss or bat of those eyelashes..he’s right around her lil finger.

  I watch her play, sing,talk, and I wonder just what we did to deserve such a wonderful blessing. Yes, we have our days of frustration..did I mention she was a tad bit hardheaded! LOL…but..its mainly days of new discoveries, sweet giggles, big hugs, and grubby lil kisses.

  So thank you Miss Kaya…for giving us the blessing of such a wonderful lil girl…and we cannot wait to take the journey of life with you :)

Friday, September 3, 2010

More to come soon

Working on getting this all set up this is day 1 may be awhile before all is finished.